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What does it mean when you find a Black Feather?


Excerpt from “The Meaning of Feathers written by Nicole Suzanne Brown


A healing is taking place. Your body has felt depleted of energy the last few days, and this gifting is to show you that your thoughts and prayers are being answered. Have faith and trust that you have been heard. A new adventure is on the horizon. You are being guided to let go of past hurts from an old friend. The energy of forgiveness is needed for you to move on. Forgive and let go. Allow the energy of healing to surround you. Breathe in new energy. Breathe out the past.

Affirmation: “I am surrounded each day with positive energy. Positive energy surrounds me and permeates from me. I give out good vibes and I get back good vibes. My body and mind are completely healed”.


You are being healed on every level of the body, mind and soul. Your energy is being heightened and a much needed healing has taken place. You are being asked to let go and let God, Universe, Spirit to lead you now where you need to be. You have done enough. It is time now for you to be looked after. Have faith that that is happening. Let go of the need to control life. Be at peace.

Affirmation: “I am filled with a peaceful energy. With every breath I take I trust and have faith in the Universe, God, Spirit. The Universe, God, Spirit guides me to the place of love and healing. I love my life and am so blessed and grateful for each and every day. I am alive with life and life is alive through me”.

To find out how you can tell if it is a SPIRITUAL MEANING or PHYSICAL MEANING CLICK HERE

the meaning of feathers front cover onlyWhat does it mean when you find a Feather?
What does it mean when you see a Feather falling in front of you?
Do Feathers have healing powers?

Whether you have been walking on your spiritual path for eons of time or just stepped forward, the information received was out of a need, and urge to learn more about what feathers mean, and why they sometimes magically appear.

Are they here to teach us something about ourselves?

Can feathers hold messages for us, that can unlock healing and change?

Can they help with creativity and bring messages from beyond time and space?

I believe they can.
I believe they do.
And by the end of this book, you will too.


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