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Higher Mind

Another Amazing Post from Melissa!

Melissa LaFontaine The Blog

What it means to be a Higher Dimensional Being in this NOW.

I’ve been a bit of a filler-in-er, going where needed, holding bridges, gaps, clearing prophetic miscreations, on all levels, wherever and whatever was needed …to Shine Light in dark places, to protect Light in Sacred places, to balance Light in discordant/uneven places. The methods to accomplish such, don’t always translate. Simultaneously expanding consciousness for self, humanity and Galactic kin and clearing the Akashic and Karmic records of my soul and family line, which includes the First Family, the Beginning because that’s how it actually works. The ladder goes both ways. The spiral heals in all directions, up, down, left, right. The following will assist in activating the Higher Mind which will help to support the Light Body integrations and upgrades occurring now full steam.

“Will, seen as distinct from instinct (mechanism for survival) the mind force which compels…

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