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Archive for November, 2018

CROWSNEST: Katie IndiCrow n Todd Medina ~ 11-07-18

You Are…

The Creator Writings

There is one phrase you do not hear often enough…


The things you have been through, the choices you have made (both good and not so good), the changes, the

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Schumann resonances ~ 11-7-18

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Thank you all! From Redwolf Remarks


Just wanted to send out my deepest gratitude to all of you who visit Redwolf Remarks! Please let me know if you have any comments on the blog layout itself or things you would like to see more on the blog.

And for those who are Guided, Donations are greatly appreciated and you can donate through the donate button on the blog or at

Again thank you and much love to you all!

~ Redwolf


Beings of Creation

Melissa LaFontaine The Blog

The Universe that is me has brought some interesting things my way as of late, to learn, to process, to understand on a deeper level. If I had to coin a theme for it, it would be the concept of identity. This, as well as connection, is one of the highlights of our trip to planet earth. Identity.

Ego is a useful tool in exploring the dimensions of identity. Personification. Beingness. It can become problematic when it gets bound. Bound by attachments or stagnation or a settling. I like to break the word ego into it’s parts, emotions go. The emotional fuel that is directing a particular set of explorations. A biofeedback loop of sorts.

One of the coolest things I was able to do with this journey I’m on, is experience a multiplicity of subcultures. I have been amongst a very wide variety of people living very diverse existences…

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GaiaPortal: Stealth elements are valued


Stealth elements are valued.

Plastic life forms are exposed and dissolved.

Flames of Illumination envelope the masses.

Awakenings begin for all.

Just Venting

Melissa LaFontaine The Blog

I kinda stopped talking about the issues of poverty. Didn’t stop thinking about it, just kinda stopped writing or dealing with it directly, because it’s one of those topics that is reeeallllly hard to address over and over and over without seeing a whole lot of change happen. There’s been some movement. An inch here and redirect there, a new storyline, some confusion, more people told to just hold on and so on and so on. It gets old. This isn’t rocket science. People want rocket science. They want enlightened states of being, they don’t want … your decisions are directly responsible for the torture of innocent people. Torture. Not a pleasant word and in some respects an over-exaggeration, but in other respects, it’s really truly not.

Looking at the Akash with regards to this issue is a nightmare. There are literal minefields. Places if you accidentally wander your little…

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Deep state lucid vision today ~ Grace Solaris


In deep state lucid vision today I saw the planet from above (I was simply receiving these images)…. I saw big chunks of energy moving… the first very simple image was the planet with these big masses of energies that moved in big chunks and like masses of the earth´s inhabitants moving…. I saw a huge cross (the christian cross) which (has) kept these masses apart and caused division across the planet, and held linear space/time, the 3D hologram (matrix) and then the image was changing and I saw how the 3D matrix is dismantling and morphing into the hologram of the new earth and the cross dissolved and as everything stopped moving the image had morped into the galactic butterfly, the Hunab Ku, the mayan calender, of no-time multidimensionality… I saw everything from above, the planet itself… I supposed I was seeing this from one of the galactic ships that I serve on in my higher aspects. I sense this will greatly influence the continual moving of the tetonic plates big time and if this is a present moment image now even more so) in the continual moving of landmasses and energy, as the energetical structure of the grid is uplifted and restored. In addition on dream state (last night) I saw flooding of some islands that I believe to be Hawaii, no tsunamis or dramatic scenarios but a flooding of the lands. Well Hawaii are residues of the big continuent of Mu, later Mu divided into Atlantis and Lemuria and piece by piece “broke apart” as Oneness consciousness was lost, the earth mantle shook and turned the earth into the continents and land masses, that we know today. I have been silent of late as I have been occupied on the inner realms…. much is going on and demands our focus and energetical presence as frequency holders as the new earth is being “birthed”. I have been asked about this month´s Arcturian global group transmission, as I have not yet posted anything about it. The Arcturians told me that they had retreated for a while, but never the less, though I sense we have not been in contact, contact has been there, though I thought I wasn´t been prepared for the next evolutionary step and transmission, indeed I have. However they have kept at distance, also because I haven been occupied in almost a month with my mother who has been hospitalized and the family have been dealing with this challenge on so many levels. I will not go into any details to respect her privacy and it is her wish to focus on life, rather than illness.. a very wise choice which I honor and respect. I will let you know as soon as I am guided about the next global dna activation, as soon as the Arcturians deem me ready and available to facilitate the next activation.

I have gathered from many fb friends and clients, that this is an extremely challenging time for many whose lives seems to be turned upside down (for the better), however this is often felt as “a rug being pulled beneath your feet” with noting to grab back on, forcing us to get naked to self, which mostly coincides with facing our greatest fears. This can be scaring or even seem life threatening, however if you dare face your fears and look it into the eyes, you can disarm it and realise, that you were the creator of it all and by choosing love, choosing to trust you can flip the coin and encounter love itself on the other side. Sending much love to all of those who are faced by challenges. Remember what is falling apart is falling into place, be in your heart, surrender, and encounter your worst fears and the changes with courage and strength in your heart AND in the KNOWING you are the creator of it all, here to force you to move towards a greater realily of love, joy and prosperity in oneness with all that is. To embrace yourself as the mighty I Am that I Am, in your divine sovereignty and glory. You can do it, with love as your ally your are invincible. ~ Grace Solaris

Talking about Lack energies! ~ Christopher Lyon


November 2, 2018


Hello, Friends! We are so pleased to be here with you today as always.

We would like to invite you to come into our space today and see what we see, and enjoy what we enjoy, and feel what we feel. And we know that we are in a space that transcends time, and transcends all lower, denser energies. And you are welcome here at any time, just to sit with us and be with us.

Some of you already are here with us in your astral form, and we love being with you. And for those of you who don’t believe you are here with us, we would extend our invitation to you and say it is as simple as connecting to Love and stating your intention of wanting to be in a space that is free of all hatred, doubt, anger or any other lower energy that would pull you out of a higher vibrational state.

So take a moment and breathe deeply into your heart center, and then breathe out what no longer serves you. And again, in and out slowly, visualizing your body filling up with Light, with Pure Source Light, with Pure Magic Starlight and with the Light of your own Soul. There! Doesn’t that feel so much lighter now?

We would also invite you to do this simple practice every day, as many times as you need, to keep yourself in a space of, at the very least, neutrality, and at the very most, the unlimited space of Love.

We, the Pleiadians, have been here on this beautiful planet, Gaia, for eons. We helped create the life here and we have always been here in some form or another. But we are here now fully, some embodying the human flesh, and some of us are only one or two dimensions above you at all times. We care about you deeply and we love you.

And we can’t wait for you all to fully step into your power and fully transcend into the loving dimension that you wish to be in. And know that this is happening. It is amazing the growth and transformation that has occurred for this beautiful planet, and for you as Humanity in the past few years, as you measure time. Now we know that you have to take this on faith because you can’t always see or hear or feel what is happening. But we are telling you that it has happened, and it is an amazing transformation. So connect to that feeling of faith and trust now, and that feeling is yours, and that knowing is yours.

Now we would like you to connect to whatever intuitive gift it is that you carry, and you ALL carry The Gift. Whether it is one of seeing, hearing, feeling, smelling, knowing; these are all gifts that connect you straight to Source, straight to yourselves, your souls, and straight to any other high vibrational being that you wish to connect to, and that includes us (smiling).

We would like you to remember now that you can create whatever reality that you wish to create. And if there is any doubt that comes up or any sadness that stands in the way of that, you can gently take a look at yourself, just like you would look upon a child, to be able to decipher and discern what it is that would stop you from connecting to that frequency. If you were to look upon a child and that child is cranky, you would understand immediately that either child needs sleep or food or some gentle love. And you would be able to interpret that cry for help in any number of ways and fill that need. And so we invite you know to look upon yourselves in this same way. Identify your needs and help yourself fill those needs so you can raise yourself to a higher vibrational frequency of pure, unconditional love. And this takes practice, but now that it is also instantaneous once you shift.

And the key to all of this — these transitions, these waves, these feelings, all the old programming and thought patterns and realities that you wish to be rid of — all of this is filtered through your heart centers. Your heart centers are where your power lies because your heart center is pure soul, pure Source. So if you feel you have a problem or an obstacle or a feeling you just can’t get past, filter it through that heart center of yours, that magical powerful turbine of love that sits in the very center of your being. The heart center never needs to be charged for it is always connected to soul, to Source. It is up to you to make that connection to your heart center in whatever way works for you, whether it is through intention, breath, or movement or creativity, or all of the above. There is no right or wrong here. It is how you connect to that. And so we encourage you and we support you with every single time that you connect to your heart center and filter through it your doubt, your fear, your angst, your depression. You can transmute and transform it into Love instantaneously.

And we also want to say that it will not always be this intense. It will not always be this hard. There will be moments of peace and moments of joy and moments of love. But really, if you were to put this on a graph, you would see that the “ups” are becoming far more frequent than the “downs.” And eventually it will be all “up.”

So keep being faithful and doing your inner work. Keep trusting and believing. Place your intention where you want to BE, and know that this will automatically place you there. It may not feel as though you are there, but it is a fact that you are already there on some timeline in some energetic level.

Ask for help when you need it, listen to good music, don’t forget to play, and most of all, connect with others of your kind, who are like-minded, who have the same frequency as you hold. By being together, you will not only uplift and encourage each other, you will activate each other and propel each other forward into the next dimension.

We leave you now with so much joy in being here with you today, and will all the love of Creator, all the love of the Universe that spans across infinite galaxies, dimensions and timelines. Open yourself up, Friends, to it ALL, for it is yours.

We love you. That is all.

~Channeled by Kalia Diya~

Shamanic Nature Connections & Metaphysical Practitioner
New Earth Wands

For Star Family channelings, intuitive sessions, long-distance healing, soul retrieval or other offerings, book or click the links below.

Schumann resonances ~ 11-2-18

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