Its time to go Home

Speaking YOUR Truth ~ Judith Kusel


This is the time for higher communication – for speaking the truth, and allowing the truth to be spoken.
Yet, know that each one will find their truth, and their truth may not be what you would like to hear. Refrain from judgement, and criticism, and open up the inner hearing, seeing, knowing.
Live your truth and walk it.
Unconditional love is the Key, for the New Golden Age is that of unconditional love.
It is the highest path in Soul Mastery.
As long as you love conditionally, you are not in the highest state of love.
Loving unconditionally, does not meant that one does not put healthy boundaries down – indeed it means that you clearly define those boundaries in a loving manner. Respect is gained when one puts those boundaries down, for it will mean that you have a clearly defined inner knowing of who and what you are.
Inner knowing has to do with self-love and self-worth. Worthiness. For your inner knowing and truth is worthy of being well defined and expressed. Indeed, clearly communicated.
If someone truly loves you they will respect you and value you.
Unconditional love, allow the other to be, to stand fully in their own light, without trying to overshadow them and shrink them down to the size you are comfortable with! No, it allows them to be who and what they are.
Judith Kusel

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