Its time to go Home

Community Observations ~ Redwolf


I’ve been thinking about writing this for a while now, and some of MY observations I’ve been seeing in the (Label) Lightworker, Ascension Community. Some of which are wonderful and some that just make me shake my head. And I am well aware that there are exceptions to the following.

Lets start out with the “Groupies of the Guru’s”. We all know the saying Keep it Humble, Never believe you are above or below anyone. But holy shit! It’s like a damn 80’s rock concert out there with women throwing their bra and panties on stage during one of these “Guru’s” live feeds. Which makes me think that some of these “Lightworkers” need a bit more waking up. Maybe it’s that I did my best to avoid the high school drama, popularity contest bullshit back then, and am seeing it over and over again in communities now. Everyone makes there own choices, are on different paths and I’m not hear to Judge… Ok maybe I just need to get this rant out lol. But please people have some restraint for the rest of us who are there to actually try to learn something. The whole Yoo-hoo look at me’s that fill up the chats when someone that actually has a good question gets buried in the “I need to be seen and heard” crap. It makes me think sometime, are you listening to the speaker at all?

Ok that rant is over, next!

Lets continue on with more along the same topic which is kind of sad to me. Along with the groupie mentality, I am also seeing a wonderful flow of money and acknowledgements….Unfortunately the flow is going to these people who really don’t need the damn money or acknowledgements. Is it me or is it the same as the flow within this matrix of the 1%? Instead of yelling out OMG I love You to who ever is speaking, send an I love you to everyone in the community watching and show your Communal bond. And I shit you not, watching a Jordan Sather Stream (who is a talented kid) money was flying to him on the live chat left and right. I was like, Holy Shit! Yes we all need to make a living in these times, but people I think he’s doing pretty well with all he does. Has anyone actually thought…hmmm maybe the homeless person down the road could use this $20 a little bit more that this Celebrity? Or the person you’ve seen that is a bit down and struggling and would really mean a lot to them if they got a bit of acknowledgement on them doing a great job and are making progress. Or hell, throw them the $20.

We are still NOT taking care of our own as we SHOULD BE! I guess all I’m saying is before you start throwing money or attention to these “Celebrities of Ascension”, expand your vision to those who still have amazing gifts that help us all, that might be the boost that they have prayed for. Because I know for a fact that these type of people would give there shirt off their back or their last dollar to someone if it would help them. As the quote goes, The poorest people are often the most giving. It’s time to recognize that and give back to them.

With all of that said, and saving the best for last, I’m seeing some wonderful support out there as well. From those who are waving their fees of services to help others, to others going out of there way to support and even comfort a perfect stranger that are struggling during these times in many ways. This my friends will be the way of the New Earth. To love, care for and support ALL in our community, Not just the chosen few or the 1%. It’s long overdue to break out of this Matrix and start living in the New Earth. Lets all make it happen!

Love to all!


10 responses

  1. Wow. Thanks for saying that. Sometimes I feel like it’s just me. And just for the record… I’ve reached out personally to many of the “celebrity” types. It’s a pretty good indication to me where their heart lies …it’s not like I have some teeny tiny beacon that’s hard to see or feel when I make DIRECT contact. I have an important story to tell. I don’t just talk the talk. I was literally locked up for what people now charge money to do and they don’t even give me the time of day, don’t share one iota of my story, DON’T EVEN REPLY TO AN EMAIL. Talk about a mindfuck. Ugh. Can of worms this one….like how they get their information to begin with. Why they don’t face the algorithmic trolls and frequency attacks like some of the rest of us. I better just shut up now and go meditate on something pretty. There are exceptions but spiritual agendas over political agendas are very few and very far between. Just saying…

    Much love and many blessings. Let this be the last of it…and let us clear this well.
    Peace ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    December 7, 2018 at 7:08 pm

    • Well you know Dear One that I would prefer you to NOT shut up and tell it like it is as you always do! And yes I didn’t add in there that there are exceptions, I need a proof reader! lol

      Liked by 1 person

      December 7, 2018 at 7:34 pm

      • Well, it’s interesting. This issue has come up for me nearly every new moon… well, at least for a while there. It was less so this time. A couple of things changed. One, is that I am absolutely certain, without a doubt, that forces much bigger than the gossip mongering whores of the death machine that like to call themselves truthers (all things serve a purpose, this is not a denial of that) that hear me and hear me very well. I just happen to believe that if those types stopped playing the game and trying to win when it is the game itself that is the problem… not to mention the fact it has ALREADY BEEN WON … then there would be a lot less people worrying about a roof over their head, food in their belly and indoctrination happening to their children.
        I’ve, unfortunately gotten to the point with them where I am done. I have accepted that we do not,, despite appearances, end up following the same or even similar paths. There isn’t a vibe of collaboration or an understanding of the depths of despair some people are literally drowning in …they aren’t rebels raging against the machine with some secret no one else knows about. It’s the same machine, same storyline, same same same mic
        oh well.
        I loved them.
        At least I proved that much.
        om shanti shanti shanti
        Let the true oracles be seen now

        Liked by 1 person

        December 7, 2018 at 7:53 pm

      • This Dear One, is why you should NEVER shut up and ALWAYS speak your truth! Because YOUR truth is spot on to Mine and I know many others. You are one of very few that can put most of our thoughts and feelings into words. And I for one am grateful for you and them. And yes Let the true oracles be seen now!!!

        Liked by 1 person

        December 7, 2018 at 8:04 pm

  2. and I meant to add this… I shouldn’t but I will. I heard this in my head. And then found it later on youtube. mean… ah, man. I can’t connect all the dots cause it would freak people out (and by people I mean me) but yea, we are on very different levels. those who claim spiritual knowledge for political gain and those who actually walk with GOD …I could keep going, reading algorithms and prediction software is child’s play with grown up consequences. Life and death is still that. And causing one or the other is also that.

    Liked by 1 person

    December 7, 2018 at 8:04 pm

  3. I am laughing my ass off. Awesome rant, I had a big one yesterday. I was able to publish two posts and my electricity got cut off( no warning), and when I went to the bank both debits were denied. I sat in a dark house night before last, had candles, I’m mostly off grid anyway, and all because I am a spiritual writer. My friends paid the bill so I have electricity now. But I have no cash and soon no food, and I shake my head because for me I can only earn a 3D living from my spiritual writing. I have to walk in faith always. I see people making so much money from companies that support war and weapons, from the insurance companies, from death pharma and from banking…the movie industry…and I can’t pay my electric bill. I am so glad you spoke up for so many Redwolf, Thank you. Blessings. M.

    Liked by 1 person

    December 7, 2018 at 8:06 pm

    • I am glad you enjoyed! And also glad you have electric now! Sadly in a community such as this, all of those things you mentioned still exist in it in some way. Blessings to you M!

      Liked by 1 person

      December 7, 2018 at 8:09 pm

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