Its time to go Home

ORACLE CARD for the Collective ~ Kalia Diya

“Suffering in Silence”

“The number 9 denotes completion. Are you finally ready to let go of those limiting, negative beliefs, or are you allowing those issues in your life to become bigger than they really are?

Your mind has been doing quite a job on you lately, and even your dreams may be trying to get your attention. When you learn to let go of the worry, despair and sense of hopelessness, a positive new way or path will be shown to you.

This card follows “Trapped in Fear,” the number 8 Mental Card; when your fears aren’t confronted, your mental anguish will continue. This is a reminder to TAKE ACTION and trust that your soul and the power of spirit (Source/your Higher Self) will grasp you firmly by the hand and guide you, but you must take the first step toward healing and clearing and let go of the mental distress.

Don’t suffer in silence. Reach out for the help that is available.”


This card is a good reminder to listen to what is coming up inside of you (the outside reality is also a reflection of the inside), to surrender to it and relinquish control, and to consciously clear anything that no longer serves you. I can tell you from personal experience that the surrender is sweet. That release opens you up to an infinite new experience and an energetic state of abundance versus lack.

We often think that we must hold on to what we know or who we know because if we let go, then we would be left feeling empty and lost inside. And we as humans often don’t like to feel empty or hungry or any lack whatsoever. That grasping is really a “lack energy.” But the sweet release of surrender makes room for joy, love, abundance and all the other positive energies to take its place. This state of abundance is our sovereignty and here we create masterfully in it.

If your hands are full, desperately clutching on to what used to serve you but has now reached its expiry date, then your hands are not open to catch the new blessing that awaits you. Open your hands. Open your heart. Let it go. And then watch what happens.

Love always,
Kalia Diya

Galactic Connections & Metaphysical Practitioner


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