Its time to go Home

ORACLE CARD for the Collective ~ Kalia Diya

February 20, 2019


“Spiritual Union” (2 – Emotion Card)

This card deals with relationships involving an emotional bond. It could be between new lovers, kindred souls, family members, friends, business associates, or partners; it could even relate to a project or specific situation.

This would be the perfect time to realize that all relationships are really about you! Notice when you interact with different people in your life. Are they giving you energy or taking it away? Is there an even exchange? There should be an equal balance between giving and receiving energy.

Relationships are mirror images of your own life: they reflect how you feel and treat yourself, and how you react and respond to various situations and individuals around you. Each and every union is an opportunity for soul growth.

– From ‘The Psychic Tarot Oracle Deck’ by John Holland.


Kalia Diya

Galactic Connections & Metaphysical Practitioner

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