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“The Threshold” Message from Kuan Yin and the Kitsune – April 20th, 2022

A beautiful message from Kuan Yin and the Kitsune for all who are meant to see and resonate. Very timely for myself as well after posting my personal journey update today.

It takes great courage to trust in your own inner light and inner guidance. Know that the same wisdom that enlightens beloved Kuan Yin and the Ascended Masters is also within your own Heart. You are being asked to trust in your own inner guidance above all others now. Know that you are Divine and Worthy and have faith in your own Heart. You have unlimited potential to tap into. You are Whole and you are a Temple. Honor this and have complete acceptance of Self. Delight in your Being and do not allow anyone or anything to Dishonor this or hold you down. You are infinite with infinite worth. The end of the old cycle is here and it is time to embark on a new cycle of Destiny and a new state of Being.

You are at the Threshold. Before you lies a way of being that is beyond fear. It is a Sacred passing through the veil into a new life of empowerment, peace, unconditional love, and spiritual service that fills the Soul with infinite joy. You are embarking on a new phase of deep Soul liberation into the freedom of love that triumphs over fear. It is time for unconditional love and divine connections. A state of being of Oneness and peace. It is also a time for Divine Counterparts and Twin Flames to come into Union, and if already in physical union, to strengthen the bond. One must let go of all that binds us to the old so this new can begin. The birth of the new is here with passionate new beginnings and opportunities that bring true Love, Happiness, and Inspiration to the Soul.

You came into this lifetime with your memory wiped, and the programming began leading you away from who you truly are. Believing what others say is true of you and leading you away from your true inner voice and guidance of the Soul. It is time to remember who you truly are and to listen to your Soul’s calling. To see yourself in the Divine Light of who you are and not allow anyone or anything to keep you from your Soul’s desires and your Destiny. Own your Personal Sovereign Power and allow your inner calling to bring illumination to your life. It’s time to trust in yourself and your guidance into the new beginnings that await you. It takes much faith and courage, even a brave and impulsive leap of faith, but your Soul knows the way to these new beginnings of Peace, Love, Fulfillment, and Wonder.

Much Love to You All!!!


Donations Greatly Appreciated: or Venmo @Jason-Redwolf


Kuan Yin Oracle by Alana Fairchild

Foxfire: The Kitsune Oracle by Lucy Cavendish

Dreams of Gaia Tarot by Ravynne Phelan

Wizards Tarot by Barbara Moore

#Tarot #Oracle #HigherLove #SelfLove #KuanYin #NewEarth

“Truth brings Transformation” Avalon’s message for 3/27/2022

A Powerful message from Avalon as we continue to move through these shifts and potent energies. There are two messages here, so I will split the reading up into two parts, one for the collective and the other for the individual. But as always, As Within/So Without. Take what resonates for both.

For the Collective:

Many Truths are about to be revealed to the collective that will shake it to its core. With this great reveal, many things will come unraveled and seem like utter chaos. This is a necessary and vital step in humanity’s growth if it is to ascend to the New Earth. The death of the old must happen before the new can come in and take its place. Through this massive transformation, you are being asked to hold the love and compassion as high as you can, not only for yourself but for those around you to get through this phase of the Ascension. Many challenges will arise and fear will be abundant during this time of transition and movement towards the New. Many of you have signed up to be here at this time for this moment, and to be a safe harbor in the storm for those around you. It will be your purpose to Be your Truth and Share your Truth. To be the strength and calm during this storm for your family and community.

There will be a complete shock to the collective when these Hidden Truths come out that will challenge people’s resolve, faith, and beliefs to the core. Many of you have done the work in preparation for this moment, yet the reality of it will also challenge your resolve as well. It will be for you to reach deep within, to embrace your True Self, your courage, and the Love and Light that you are, and shine brightly through this being a beacon for those who are struggling through this major change. They will certainly feel confused and conflicted, but the Infinite Love and compassion that is within you will guide those that come to you through it. Be the Shining Truth for others. Live your truth, speak your truth and be fearless, confident, and focused. People will sense and see this power within you and be drawn to you. You are the shining star in the darkness of this renewal. Be direct and honest with those around you and with yourself. Remember that self-care comes first and foremost and You are the Priority! Do not overextend yourself trying to help everyone. Heed your intuition and what your body calls for. Your inner guidance will lead you through this. Know deep within that on the other side of this transformation is the Love and Freedom that we have been waiting for, stepping foot onto the New Earth.

For the Individual:

Your Truth will set you free and bring you freedom. It will build a bridge across the chasm of lies, deceit, and deception of the lower world to your Dreams, Highest Purpose, and Destiny that are on the other side. Yet it can be the more difficult path to follow. Living away from your Truth and your True Authentic Self keeps you in this lower vibrational world. Although it is toxic and hinders your Soul’s growth and desires, it can still seduce you into staying there through lies and manipulations and in most instances keeps you in fear to stay in the comfort of the toxicity. It is for you to choose to stop living a lie, lying to yourself and others. It is for you to Love Yourself for who you truly are and to choose YOU. To face and release the fear of what those around you might think or feel. Yes in many cases it will bring confusion and conflict, even lashing out in anger by you choosing yourself and your truth. For the lower world does not want to lose feeding off of your pure higher energies. Everything is changing. It is for you to be the change in your own life. To take action, to release and bring death to the old and all that does not serve your highest good, so that your transformation into the new can take place.

This action and choosing your Truth and Self brings forward movement and change out of the toxicity and stagnation of the lower vibrations into a higher vibrational life of unconditional love and acceptance for who you truly are. There will be challenges in this transition that must not be resisted or avoided. Stand strong in your truth and allow your true inner guidance to lead you through it. Know your Truth, Be your Truth, Speak your Truth, and act upon it, Keeping balanced and grounded throughout as best as you can.

Now is also a time of being discerning of who you choose to share your innermost thoughts and feelings with. Not all are worthy of this pure energy and can use this against you with self-serving and ulterior motives. Choose only those who are truly worthy of this energy and information, for it is sacred. It is one thing to show vulnerability, and another to give your power and energy away haphazardly. Choose wisely. If you are unsure, connect with your higher self and guides and ask for confirmation before divulging your innermost truths and secrets. For someone out there and who resonates, you have been wanting and waiting to share with someone this sacred energy and information with. But fear has kept you from doing it along with self-sabotage. Now is the time to come out of the cold, to be brave, reach out, and express that which is in your heart. For in doing so will bring new beginnings and a weight lifted off of you.

Be completely honest with yourself each step of the way. Live in your truth and command truth and respect from those around you. Do not allow your fire within to be dimmed again. Surround yourself with only those who allow and applaud this fire to rage and burn brightly. Take pleasure in who you are, you are bringing in the wishes you have sent out to the Universe by this embodiment of Self and your Truth. Be proud, love yourself, and Shine as you have always been meant to!

Much Love to You All!!!


Donations Greatly Appreciated:

Personal Guidance readings are now available. Check out my posts on the readings for more details. Email me at to schedule a reading.


The Wisdom of Avalon Oracle by Colette BAron-Reid

Secrets of the Mystic Grove by Arwen Lynch

The Sacred Forest Oracle by Denise Linn

Dreams of Gaia Tarot by Ravynne Phelan

Wizards Tarot by Barbara Moore

#Tarot #Oracle #Truth #Selflove #Higherlove #Avalon #Transformation #Love

“It’s Time to Knock at the Door” Fae Message for the Equinox 3/20/22

Equinox by Bente Schlick

There is a door before you. Perhaps you have found yourself many times before it, drawn to it, led by your Soul’s calling. Yet you hold back, allowing your mind, fear, and shapeshifters around you to keep you from knocking. Or maybe you’ve knocked, only to run away in fear or its too good to be true, or listening to those around you that do not have your best interest in mind to control you and steer you away from it. Whatever the case may be, We say to you know, Its time to knock at the door and allow it to fully open. There is much attainment and many wonders beyond this door, yet fear, deep programming, and those around you wish to keep you from becoming who you truly are and to embody the true power that you possess. The time is NOW to take action, To claim your true power, to follow your inner guidance, your Souls calling, and the signs all around you. To break free of the fear, patterns, and control, all of the excuses, the bouncing back and forth Should I or Shouldn’t I, that are keeping you stuck and from reaching your dreams that you have wished for.

Now is the time to demonstrate your personal truths, to show how powerful you are, and be willing to do what it takes for you to break free, to overcome your fears, and to claim what is truly meant for you. The Equinox is a time of great change, and the time is now for great change to be brought into your life. To remove all that no longer serves and keeps you powerless, restricted, and from fulfilling your Destiny. Get out of your head and follow your Heart. This immense guidance of Higher Love within you is leading you towards reclaiming your power and highest purpose along with the life you truly deserve.

Its time to awaken and to protect your mental and psychic abilities from infiltration. To be very selective on who you surround yourself with and be willing to see through the illusions and cut them loose. Hold dear to the magic, the innocence of a child within you, and the dreams of happily ever after, yet hold dear to the Warrior Heart within you as well to take swift fearless action where it is now needed. Let go of what is holding you back and move forward in Confidence.

Tap into the brilliant Light that is within you and allow it to ignite. Its time for you to rise like the Phoenix and be reborn. Believe in yourself and your true Divinity. Have faith that all the wonders that are meant for you are coming and a new phase is beginning. Its time for true balance to come into your life that brings massive transformations that your inner guidance has been calling out to you. It is now time to take the step forward, knock at the door, and step through into the new beginnings that you have dreamed of, knowing you are truly worthy and deserving of it all and more.

Much Love to You All!!!


Donations Greatly Appreciated:

Personal Guidance readings are now available. Check out my posts on the readings for more details. Email me at to schedule a reading.


Oracle of the Dragonfae by Lucy Cavendish

Oracle of the Fairies by Karen Kay

The Faeries’ Oracle by Brian Froud and Jessica Macbeth

Dreams of Gaia Tarot by Ravynne Phelan

Tarot of Dreams by Ciro Marchetti

“Equinox” Canvas Wall Art by Bente Schlick

#Tarot #Oracle #Equinox #Love #HigherLove #Faeries #Fae #Fairies

“Divine Feminine & Masculine Healing and Union” Monday Masters Message 3-14-22

As many are feeling, there are very powerful energies coming in at this time bringing in massive downloads and re-alignments both within and without. As we continue to move towards the New Earth, these energies along with the work that you have been doing on yourself bring the re-alignments necessary to keep you on your highest possible timeline. You are being asked to tap into your own inner guidance first and foremost. Listen to what is coming through you, what your Soul is calling for instead of relying on outside guidance from others. You have an infinite wealth of wisdom and knowledge within you that pertains to you and only you. There is a lot of false light and false guidance out there. Now is the time to Recall your own power. There are major changes taking place and these changes are offering you the chance to spread your wings and fly. But it is up to you whether or not you face the fears that are holding you back from taking flight. It is also up to you to recognize your true worth and to accept and love yourself for who you truly are.

There is a lot of progress and movement within the Divine Feminine and Masculine. Healing of the Mother and Father Codes are taking place within with the help of your team. This healing is bringing both of these Divine Energies into Union within. This healing and Union within, along with the work that is being done, is also bringing into Union Divine counterparts and Twin Flames. And for those that are already in Physical Union, a strengthening of the bond between the two. All of this is helping boost the Higher Love energies to those around you in your day-to-day life that help bring in the New Earth Template.

The current energies are pushing many to move beyond their own limitations. Cords of all that no longer serve are continuing to be cut so that what is truly meant for your highest good can come in and propel you forward. The time is now to take control of your life and move fearlessly forward taking a leap of faith and trusting your own guidance towards the Desires your Soul has been calling out for. Know that you are protected by doing this. If you are hesitant and unsure of taking this leap, the Masters are saying YES, JUMP! Stop being a slave to outside forces and take control of your own life. Stop worrying about what people will think that is keeping you anchored on the ground. Love and Accept yourself and make yourself the priority. Through your fears and anxiety, your Soul’s wishes are just on the other side. Spread your wings and Fly and claim what is truly yours!

Much Love to You All!!!


Infinite Gratitude for Donations to

Personal Guidance Readings are now available to Schedule. Email me at and check out my posts with the reading information.


Wisdom of Avalon Oracle by Colette Baron-Reid

Keepers of the Light and Gateway of Light Activation by Kyle Gray

Dreams of Gaia Tarot by Ravynne Phelan

Wizards Tarot by Barbara Moore

#Tarot #Oracle #DivineFeminine #DivineMasculine #DivineUnion #TwinFalmes #LeapofFaith #MondayMastersMessage

“Love and Miracles” Monday Masters Message 3-7-22

For today’s Monday Masters Message, Archangel Michael and his Twin Flame Faith along with High Priest Melchizedek come to us to talk about Love and Miracles. You in itself are a Miracle. You are an Infinite Being of Love and Light, yet you have forgotten in this 3D matrix realm. One of the lessons of this Ascension for many is Self-Love and Self-Worth. To see the infinite within you, rise up, connect with it, and claim your Divinity. You have been programmed since your incarnation of what is possible and what is not. You have been programmed with who you are supposed to be and act, taking you away from your uniqueness and your true power. You have gone through many experiences that have reinforced the unworthiness of being this Divine and Powerful Being. Many are still in situations that are doing everything they can to keep you in this unworthy state, not wanting you to become who you truly are, step into your power, and know that nothing is impossible.

Know that your Guides and Angels are always with you to assist. And it only takes a moment to call out to Archangel Michael and bring his Sword of Light along with his legion of Angels to help cut out all that is keeping you from claiming and embodying your truest self and power. It’s time to find and embrace the sacredness that you are and become it. You are what you seek and you are the Infinite love that you long for in all situations and relationships. Now is the time to have the courage to step away from what uses and does not truly honour the being that you are, even if it means walking alone for a time. But know you are never alone and your Angels and Guides are leading you to your Highest Self, Purpose, and Desires. Trust and have faith in yourself and your guidance. Control is an illusion, and only you give power to the things and people who attempt it.

It’s time to take all that you have gone through, all that you learned from the lessons, and apply it to break the cycle of control and manipulation that has kept you from yourself and all that your Soul calls out for. You are a Goddess/God and a Sovereign Being. Drop the baggage and burdens that are weighing you down and become who you truly are. Your Destiny awaits and the time is now for you to claim it and bring the Love and Miracles into your life that you are deserving of.

Much Love to You All!!!


Infinite Gratitude for Donations to

Personal Guidance Readings are now available to Schedule. Email me at and check out my posts with the reading information.


Keepers of the Light and Gateway of Light Activation by Kyle Gray

Dreams of Gaia Tarot by Ravynne Phelan

Wizards Tarot by Barbara Moore

#Tarot #Oracle #SelfLove #HigherLove #MondayMastersMessage

“Choose to Love and Honour Yourself” Monday Masters Message – 2/28/22

It’s time to move into your true self and have the courage to open your heart and let the light and love in. Allow this to shine on the emotional pain and traumas within that needs to be faced and healed. Past traumas and experiences can greatly influence the present and your path to Destiny if you allow it. The Masters, Angels, and Beings of Light are with you to assist in rising above the darkness and to move you fully into your Authentic Self. Connect with them and Source and allow this pure guidance to bring major transformations within and to your life. It is time to break the old cycles and patterns and step into the new that is of your highest good and timeline. You are worthy and deserving of all of your dreams, and this healing and embodiment allow for the blessings and miracles to flow in for you.

Stay grounded and focused on your truth and inner calling. Do not allow your ego and fears from past experiences keep you from this amazing rebirth in your life. Your Higher Self and Guides are leading you to many blessings if you listen and follow without distraction. Use your voice and Say NO to disruptive influences and manipulations that try to keep you stuck in fear and old cycles. Only you can give power to these influences. The Masters are reminding you that you are an Infinite Divine Being. You have the power and courage within you to overcome it all, to choose to free yourself from the shackles, and to bring your dreams into your reality.

With this Action of Courage for Yourself, you align with the Magic that manifests your Dreams. Step into your Authenticity and express it for the Love of yourself and the Love that YOU are. Be true to YOU and stand proudly for who you are with honour and integrity. Do not betray yourself to appease others or to fit in. You are meant for Amazing things and will attain it all, as long as you do not limit yourself and allow external forces to keep you stuck in their old ways of being. Let go, break free and Claim the Destiny of Wonders that are waiting for you.

Much Love to You All!!!


Infinite Gratitude for Donations to

Personal Guidance Readings are now available to Schedule. Email me at and check out my posts with the reading information.


Keepers of the Light by Kyle Gray

Wisdom of the Oracle by Colette Baron-Reid

Dreams of Gaia Tarot by Ravynne Phelan

Wizards Tarot by Barbara Moore

#Tarot #Oracle #MondayMastersMessage #Love #HigherLove #SelfLove

“Do What’s Best for You” ~ Message from the Angels for the week of Feb 21st-27th

Thank you to the Unknown Artist

There are a lot of massive energies coming in at this time that are bringing a re-alignment, both internally and externally, to align with the New Earth frequencies. For this week, the Angels are asking you to take the time to look at your life and the situations around you. Are you still being a follower of others, doing what you are told, and living the expectations of family and those around you? Are you holding yourself a prisoner out of lack of self-worth or to appease others and not rock the boat? Are you suppressing and ignoring the call from within and the guidance of your Angels and Spirit guides not wanting to look at the hard truth? Whatever the case may be, the Angels are asking you to be True to Yourself and to Listen to your inner calling. To completely understand your worth and deservingness and that it is NOT Selfish or Conceited to do what’s best for you and to follow your dreams. Let go of the fear that those around you will not accept this. Those that do not accept this are not in alignment with your path or calling, only to teach you the courage to embrace your true self and to walk this path unapologetically. Your Angels and Guides are doing their best to lead you back to your true self, mission, and destiny. For some, Divine Intervention is or will be taking place to get them back on track to their True Authentic Self and what they have come here to do. There have been many distractions and manipulations keeping you away from this. But ow is the time to break free of this, to face the fears and take action. Passionate New Beginnings are here to claim that is of your Highest Alignment to the New Earth. But it is up to you to take the actions necessary and claim it.

It is time to truly honor yourself and what calls to you from within. Let go of the need to defend yourself for who you are to others. Your dreams and needs should be honored first and foremost. You should be the priority in your life, not everybody else’s wants and needs. Let go of the fear that if you choose yourself, it will cause conflict and hurt others by doing so. If they truly cared, they would support you unconditionally. Your inner guidance is screaming out for true love, peace, and harmony in your life and it along with your Angels are guiding you towards this. Be strong, embrace your true power, and stand up for what is right for you and the path that takes you to your dreams. Free yourself from the control and manipulations of others and listen and follow your own guidance with confidence and self-assurance. We are not meant to be controlled and play it small any longer. It’s time to be brave, break through the illusions and claim our Divinity and Destiny, leaving the old prison behind and moving into the new beginnings and wonders that await you.

Take some time this week to Isolate yourself from the distractions and to go into Sacred Space. Be willing to truly listen and see, away from the fears and stories your ego creates to keep you stuck. Connect within, with your Guides, and Listen. Ask to see all that is blocking you from your true mission and Destiny. Be unafraid to see the truth, no matter how hard it may be to see. You may not like what you see, but it is for your highest good to see it and to change it. A full-blown cleaning in your life may be needed, or just a few things to tidy up on. Whatever the case, the removal of all negative influences, control, and distractions, both within and without, are necessary to move you forward to what is truly meant for you. Stand up, Be Your Truth Speak Your Truth and summon the strength to cut out anything that is holding you back. Follow your heart and be faithful to yourself. It knows where your Dreams and Destiny are, but it is for you to listen and follow.

Your Angels and Spirit Guides have been sending you signs and synchronicities to follow. There are no coincidences and these are not happening by chance. But it is your choice whether to follow their lead or not. It is time to walk your own path, no longer being controlled and bound by others’ opinions and reactions. You have infinite potential, and you can achieve all of your dreams if you choose. It is always your choice to stay in the nest of “comfort” and control of others or to spread your wings and fly. Great change is occurring all around and even greater change when you decide to take ownership of yourself and your life and leap into the unknown. Your Angels and Guides have your back and are encouraging you forward with their signs and messages. They know how truly strong and deserving you are of the Destiny that awaits you. It is for you to know this as well and to do what is Best for You!

Much Love to You All!!!


Donations Greatly Appreciated:

Personal Guidance readings are now available. Check out my posts on the readings for more details. Email me at to schedule a reading.


Angels and Ancestors Oracle and Gateway of Light Activation Oracle by Kyle Gray

The Enchanted Map by Colette Baron-Reid

Dreams of Gaia Tarot by Ravynne Phelan

Tarot of Dreams by Ciro Marchetti

#Tarot #Oracle #Angels #SpiritGuides #Love #Ascension #NewEarth #Dowhatsbestforyou

“Live your own Truth” ~ Weekend Message from The Divine Feb 18th-20th

Art by Antonis Papantoniou

For this weekend, the Divine is asking you to evaluate your Truth. Not the “Truths” of others and what they think is “Best” for you, but YOUR inner truth. It’s time to take charge of your own life and be the leader of it, not a follower of what others have created for you. You have gone through many lessons in many lifetimes, now is the time to tap into this wisdom, apply it, and see what “Truths” are not yours. The Divine is here to assist you and guide you toward your own inner truth and help those that continue to be in the loops until the lessons are learned. There is action that needs to be taken and the necessity to cut and remove the illusions and control, both around you and within you, to bring you back to your authentic self and Truth within.

Many obstacles have been placed in your path to keep you from this. They do not want you to discover the truth within and embody it. They also are doing everything they can to block and prevent Divine Connections from coming into Union. This can be Twin Flames as well as the Divine Union within yourself. Many illusions, manipulations, and spell casting are being done to keep you in a state of fear, confusion, self-doubt, and inner conflict. This brings out a lot of self-sabotage as well to keep you from your true self and for some, keeping you away from your Divine Counterpart.

With the energies coming in, along with Divine assistance and intervention, deep karma and karmic relationships are being released. This in turn brings healing to you, your lineage, and to the collective. The time is Now to clean house completely within you and your life. Removing all negative influences of control and manipulation. You are a Goddess/God of your world. It’s time to embrace that, step up, and act like it. No longer taking any bullshit from anyone, no matter who it is, including yourself. The time is now to Be Your Truth and embrace the Infinite Divine Being of Love that you are. It’s time to create a world of your own choosing, guided by your heart and Soul, And then to live in it, in your Truth Authenticity and Expression.

Much Love to You All!!!
Donations Greatly Appreciated:
Personal Guidance readings are now available. Check out my posts on the readings for more details. Email me at to schedule a reading.
The Enchanted Map by Colette Baron-Reid
Gateway of Light Activation Oracle by Kyle Gray
Dreams of Gaia Tarot by Ravynne Phelan
Wizards Tarot by Barbara Moore

#Tarot #Oracle #Love #Divine #Truth #IAmPresence

“Beautiful Romance” Humpday Quickie – Full Moon in Leo Love Reading ~ 2-16-22

For Those Who are Meant to See…

Your true Beauty is shining out like a beacon. You have done a lot of work loving and accepting your true self. Know that it is seen by those who can truly see the true you and the beauty that you are. You are deserving of being Loved and Appreciated for who you truly are. With this Full Moon in Leo, it is amplifying this beauty within in combination with the higher love energies and Romance is in the air. For many, love is rushing in. Big changes are coming and don’t be surprised if you receive an unexpected message or a romantic proposal being offered during these energies.

You are being blessed with this full moon. All the work you have been doing on yourself is being rewarded. Whether it’s a new love or a returning counterpart, it is a companionship of a deep soul connection that brings emotional fulfillment and equal give and take. By embodying your highest self and the love that you are, you have attracted this to you and the love that you truly deserve. Trust your intuition, senses, and feelings of the heart. Do not let your mind get in the way and self-sabotage from fears, disappointments, and conflicts of the past. You know your worth and what you are deserving of, and that is an Unconditional Higher Love. Search your Heart and never settle for anything less than what you truly deserve.

Have faith that what is coming in for you is in alignment with your highest calling. Breathe and take it all in with gratitude and let the butterflies within excite you. Commitment and dedication with love are coming that bring a massive transformation to your life. You are about to take an amazing ride of love forward that brings heaven on earth to your world and your Destiny.

Much Love to You All!!!


Donations Greatly Appreciated:

Personal Guidance readings are now available. Check out my posts on the readings for more details. Email me at to schedule a reading.


Foxfire: The Kitsune Oracle by Lucy Cavendish

Moonology Oracle by Yasmin Boland

Dreams of Gaia Tarot by Ravynne Phelan

Tarot of Dreams by Ciro Marchetti

#Tarot #Oracle #HigherLove #Humpdayquickie #Love #Fullmoon #Romance

“A New Phase and Communication” Monday Masters Message ~ Twin Flame Update 2-14-22

Dedric Artlove W Art

There is Divine Alchemy taking place within the Twin Flame connections at this time. A lot of communication has been taking place in the higher realms between the Twins that is bringing a reorder to their physical lives. As each rises into their true authenticity and power, the need to speak and express their truth to those around them grows, taking back their power that was given away or taken away. It is time to be heard and to release the weight and burdens that have been carried that draining their energy and blocking the path towards Physical Union. 

Truths have been coming to light for both and the illusions around them are being revealed. Now is the time to take action. To recognize these illusions and release them. There are many endings that are or will be taking place that has blocked the forward movement for their journey to Union. There has been much deception keeping them from their true power and also keeping them from this Sacred Union. The dark knows how special and powerful this Union is between the Twins and they have been doing everything they can to keep it from happening. The Divine is assisting at this time to help clear the way and guide each through these deceptions, attacks, and manipulations. A call to action is now being felt and heard through the Divine Masculine energies (Male or Female) to see through the illusion and confusion and to make the necessary decisions that move you away from these lower vibrational energies that are toxic to you and to the connection. 

Many of the Twins have been clearing and releasing Lifetimes of Karmic traumas, attachments, and fears. These are taking place not only for their own release and freedom but for the collective as well. This also clears the way for Union to take place and to create the new in their true passions and powers together. Fearless Action and focused intent are now being called. The New cycle within the connection is beginning and the walk of the Twins begins anew towards their Destiny. This Union and mission that they have is a vital part of this Ascension and Creating the New Earth. It is an inspiration to all and many will be guides and teachers of the new high vibrational relationships that will be. It is true unconditional love, and the conditional love of 3D and its dramas will no longer be allowed. 

Many of the blockages that are being worked through are these lower vibrational relationships and energies that have been absorbed. It’s time for your energetic sovereignty, to cut the cords of the lower energies that infiltrate your field and attempt to keep you in a lower vibrational timeline and from your true power. The Masters and Angelic Realm are there for you to help clear these cords. Karmic lessons are coming to an end that was needed to be learned before Divine Union could take place. These lessons were also necessary not only for their own individual growth but to be able to bring it forward and to teach and guide others along their journey into the New Earth. The Old is certainly crumbling and can be a huge shock and create a lot of chaos and confusion in one’s life. But it is a necessary step for the rebirth of the Twins to take place. The New Phase now begins with life-changing transformations and the Union of the Twin Flames and it starts with Communication from the Heart. 

Much Love to You All!!! 


Infinite Gratitude for Donations to 

Personal Guidance Readings are now available to Schedule. Email me at and check out my posts with the reading information. 


Keepers of the Light & Gateway of Light Activation Oracle by Kyle Gray 

The Starseed Oracle by Rebecca Campbell 

Dreams of Gaia Tarot by Ravynne Phelan 

Wizards Tarot by Barbara Moore 

#Tarot #Oracle #TwinFlame #Selflove #HigherLove #MondayMastersMessage #DivineUnion  

“Stand in your power and Claim the Destiny” Message from the Fae for the week of Feb 14th-20th 

Magical fairy world by Kiirw-Dk on DeviantArt

What you resist and repress only regroups in the shadows and draws strength from denial. It also attracts dark energies in many forms including those around you, to control and feed off of you. With this week’s energies, it is a good time to deal with these repressed emotions and traumas. To embrace them, send love to them, and bring them to the light to be healed. There is a Full Moon of Truth that will reveal much of this on the 16th and are the perfect energies to work with on all of this. Embrace all that you are because you are truly beautiful. Do not abandon your true self and the miracles that await. Do not allow the manipulations from others that make you fear being and showing your true self. Rise in your true power, for this is exactly what they do not want, and it will illuminate the truth of the illusions around you by doing so. It’s time to follow your own guidance and to see clearly the signs and messages that your guides and Higher Self have been leaving you to see. Now is the time to act, to express your true self, and release yourself from the shackles to claim your true freedom and embody your true authentic self in a Sacred Dance. 

Emergence is coming, but it is up to you to love and nurture yourself and blossom or to wither in the bud and rot in the old. Your guides are always with you and doing their best to guide you toward your Paradise and Destiny. If you listen, you can hear your Soul call out to you because it sees the direction to this. Heed this counsel from within and follow its healing guidance. Your Destiny is calling louder and louder and the new cycles are ready to begin. Give power not only to yourself but the dreams that you hold dearest that keeps calling out to be brought into your reality. Now is the time to take action on these dreams, even if you have to walk alone for a while. It’s time to create a life of your own design and break free of what has been designed by others to keep you stuck and unfulfilled. Stand in your power and claim the Destiny that brings you home to your true self and wholeness.  

If you only knew the power that resides within you. It is infinite, and there is a bright and amazing future ahead once you accept your true self and worth. Now is the time to consider where you have been, where you are now, and where you wish to be. Choose a path and move boldly forward without apology. This is NOT the time to wait for things to come to you. Spirit wants to show you the courage and self-love you have within. Be the Leader of you and your life and follow the guidance from within. Be very discerning on the opinions of others. It all comes down to you, your true wants and desires, and step up and take charge of your life. Your Soul knows the way to your emotional fulfillment and dream life, you just have to listen. The only thing now that will keep you from it is your fears and clinging to the old world you were comfortably stuck in. Your Dreams and Destiny are well beyond this, and you have been creating and manifesting this New World. When you are ready to do so, stand up and take one courageous step at a time to claim your own creation and life of your dreams. Know always that Nothing is Impossible! 

Much Love to You All!!!  


Donations Greatly Appreciated:  

Personal Guidance readings are now available. Check out my posts on the readings for more details. Email me at to schedule a reading.  


Oracle of the Dragonfae by Lucy Cavendish 

Oracle of the Fairies by Karen Kay  

The Faeries’ Oracle by Brian Froud and Jessica Macbeth 

Dreams of Gaia Tarot by Ravynne Phelan  

Wizards Tarot by Barbara Moore 

#Tarot #Oracle #Selflove #Love #Higherlove #Destiny #Dreams #Fae #Faeries #Dragonfae #fairies

“A Divine Love” Angels Message for the weekend of 2/11-2/13

Thank you to the Unknown Artist

It’s fitting with Valentine’s Day on Monday that The Angels come to us this weekend bringing a huge focus to Divine Love and Connections. What fears and self-deceptions are keeping you from attaining this Divine Love that you Deserve and your heart calls out for. There is a new beginning awaiting you that is a powerful Sacred gift, bringing much Love, joy, and healing to you. This is something you have been manifesting and the time is now to put your fears and doubts aside and accept what is before you.  

The Angels are asking you to drop the barriers that you have put up from past fears, shame, and traumas, and allow yourself to be vulnerable and this Divine Love into your life. Your Angels and Guardians are all around you and they want you to know that you are protected and worthy of this. Break through the fear, limiting thoughts, emotions, and patterns, and step fearlessly into this love. You have been Divinely Guided to this and your heart has been heard. By taking down the walls you have built, you are allowing this New Beginning to take shape and come into your life, bringing the love, joy, and happiness that you have waited for. 

Look within and see all of the excuses that your mind and those around you have been coming up with to keep you away from this gift. All the ‘what if’ stories and fears that talk you into staying in the old patterns, traumas, and relationships. Ask yourself, Why Not! You deserve this so Why Not? Follow your heart and release the thoughts and self-imposed blockages. Things are coming to fruition if you allow them to be. Deep down you have wanted this and have been waiting for this, so now it’s time to jump in and have it! Do not allow the disappointments, rejections, and mistreatments of the past to keep you from this Divine Love that is meant for you. Quiet the mind, listen to your heart that’s been calling to you, and step up to receive this precious gift Of Love! 

Much Love to You All!!! 


Donations Greatly Appreciated: 

Personal Guidance readings are now available. Check out my posts on the readings for more details. Email me at to schedule a reading. 


Angels and Ancestors Oracle by Kyle Gray 

Wisdom of the Oracle by Colette Baron-Reid 

Dreams of Gaia Tarot by Ravynne Phelan 

Wizards Tarot by Barbara Moore 

#Tarot #Oracle #Higherlove #DivineLove #SacredUnion #Angels 

“A New Sunrise” Hump Day Quickie Love Reading ~ 2-9-22

Listen to what your heart is calling out to you. Stand in your Truth and Authenticity and do not let the opinions of others sway you from what you know and feel in your heart. Free yourself from control and honor your truth. Do not be afraid to be open and candid about your thoughts and feelings. Overcome your insecurities and emotional baggage and speak from the heart that wants to be heard. In doing so, you move towards a higher, deeper love and Sacred Partnership. This Union is blessed and brings you joy like you’ve never felt before.

Old wounds and patterns can steer you away from this Love and Union out of fear and too good to be true. Listen to your Heart’s calling, not the fears of past traumas. Your Heart is guiding you to this love that honors you and gives you the freedom to express your true self fully. Allow this to excite you and empower you. You are the real deal and you deserve nothing less. You are everything you need, there is no more room for settling. Love and be present with yourself first and foremost. You haven’t even scratched the surface of your power and possibilities for you. Know you are worthy of it all and follow your Soulsong and where it leads you. A new chapter for you is beginning and it is where the new sun rises and your Destiny begins with the love and union that is your Destiny.

Much Love to You All!!!


Donations Greatly Appreciated:

Personal Guidance readings are now available. Check out my posts on the readings for more details. Email me at to schedule a reading.


Wisdom of the Oracle and The Enchanted Map by Colette Baron-Reid

Dreams of Gaia Tarot by Ravynne Phelan

Celtic Tarot by Kristoffer Hughes

#Tarot #Oracle #Love #Higherlove #Humpdayquickie

“It’s time to Choose YOU” Monday Masters Message ~ 2-7-22

Deep within you, there is a Sacred Vision that your Soul holds dear, that is your Destiny. But this has been suppressed and locked up tight for many, due to the 3D programs, control, traumas, and manipulations during this lifetime as well as past lives. Karmic relationships, Distractions, and deceptions have continued to keep you from finding this within and even more so to acting on it and letting it out to blossom. Love has no boundaries, yet the 3D places boundaries on it. Many in our world cannot fathom a love without boundaries. But now is the time to tap into these higher love energies that are available to us and break the toxic cycle. It is time for you to remember who you are. To know the Divine Being that is you. To no longer take any more shit and to demand respect for yourself and for the Destiny that keeps calling out to you that you have ignored or allowed yourself to get distracted from. It’s time to walk your own path to this Sacred Vision of the Soul with strength and confidence. To be a trailblazer and Break through the illusions and fear that have been placed there by yourself and others. Those who do not respect you or your path need to be forgiven and cut out so that those who do respect and love you unconditionally can step in and walk with you. Know that they are out there.

It’s time for your Freedom. Freedom to be your Authentic Self and express yourself in every way without fear of what others will think, say or do. It’s time to Choose YOU. For too long, expression of the self has been stifled, especially our Sacred Sexual Energies. Through all the Sexual Abuse and manipulations for both the Feminine and Masculine, this Sacred Energy has been almost extinguished on some. It is a vital part within us, and healing of this is a lengthy journey, but this healing is being assisted by the Angelic Realm and the Energies coming in at this time.

Contrary to what many will dispute, there is the perfect life and love you truly desire waiting for you. You just have to believe and take the steps within to get there. The first is Loving yourself completely and knowing your infinite worth. Not allowing the heartbreaks, pain, restrictions, and abuses to slow you down. You have the power within you to bring it all in. Envision your perfect life, see it, smell it, taste it, feel it. Hold all of these senses within and give them your energy and faith, knowing nothing is impossible and it is truly yours. It’s time to step into the unknown and walk toward your Destiny and dream life, and away from the prison that was holding you captive. You have the Power and Your Paradise Awaits!

Much Love to You All!!!


Infinite Gratitude for Donations to

Personal Guidance Readings are now available to Schedule. Email me at and check out my posts with the reading information.


Keepers of the Light & Gateway of Light Activation Oracle by Kyle Gray

Dreams of Gaia Tarot by Ravynne Phelan

Tarot of Dreams by Ciro Marchetti


“Time to Clean House” – Avalon Message for the Week of Feb 7th-13th

Image on a postcard set by John Emanueal Shannon on

This week is a preparatory one for the seeds that you have planted and the intentions you have sent out to be manifested into your life. Hold faith and optimism within for them to enter. Yet for some, there may be blocks that still exist, either within yourself or externally, that are keeping these seeds from growing into the dreams you wish for. Self-Sabotage, Old lack and unworthiness thought patterns, old traumas, or others around you that you are not seeing that are sabotaging you, are just a few that can be causing this. It’s time to allow the burning fires of these dreams from the Soul to intensify and bring clarity and to see through the illusions within and around you. Have the Courage and Strength to see the truth and take action to cut the cords from thought patterns and people that no longer serve your highest purpose, and are hindering you from it and fulfilling your Soul’s Dreams and Desires. 

Avalon is calling out to all that need to clean house to make way for these deep dreams and desires to come into your life. Get rid of the clutter and junk that are bogging down your environment, mind, heart, and Aura. It’s time to move away from the 3D thought patterns and relationships that no longer serve you and that are holding you back from attaining your highest timeline to the New Earth. Look around and within, be willing to see what is not contributing to your highest good. Don’t let fear block you from the truth and seeing what has been manipulating you and controlling you. It will most likely be a shock and painful to see this, but it is necessary to see it so you can deal with it. You deserve the Highest of Love in all of your relationships including yourself, yet we can be misled and lured into lower vibrational ones that feed off of our energy and purposely block us from seeing our truth and blocking our transformation into our Highest Selves. It will take effort and willingness to see, but take time to inventory what around you and within yourself is creating these illusions to keep you in lower timelines. It can be very tricky to see, so a perspective change may be needed to see from within and listen to what your Soul guides you. See what feeds off of you and also see what truly feeds your Soul. It’s time to break free of the Shapeshifters and Dark controlled that is leading you astray from your truth and Soul’s calling and walk toward the Higher Love you deserve in all forms. Your dream life awaits, but the clean-up must happen. 

There is a deep and powerful transformation taking place within you that is leading you towards the New Earth and your dreams. This process of change and metamorphosis is often a painful one and can also leave you vulnerable and exposed to attacks and manipulations to derail you from it. Especially with those who feel that they are losing control of you and creating conflict and confusion around you. They will do their best to feed you lies and try to deceive you into being stuck in the lower timelines and under their control. If you are to transform, these relationships and mindsets of past programs need to be cut off completely so that your rebirth and transformation into your highest timeline can take place. It’s time to dig deep within and find the strength and courage to overcome your fears and make the necessary choices for Yourself and your highest good and worth. 

Being still and connecting to your higher self will guide you through this. But make sure that you put up strong protections when you do. During this process, there are holes and vulnerabilities that can allow the dark to infiltrate your connection and manipulate it to serve their purposes and not your own truth. It is a delicate time, so honor yourself completely and the needs of your Soul unapologetically. Do not betray yourself because of others. It is time to do what’s best for YOU, even if it may cause conflict with others. This is your path to YOUR Highest good, not theirs. Walk your path and stand up for yourself and your dreams, even if that means walking alone. Although know that you are supported and protected always by your Angels and Guides. Take each step forward in your authenticity and truth and allow for true justice to be served in your life. Know that if you do have to walk alone, it won’t be for long. Your Authenticity and movement towards your Highest good and purpose will bring in those who serve your highest good and that resonates with the Higher Love energies and New Earth Signature. Do not allow your Self-Worth to be compromised, You Deserve all you have ever dreamed of and more. Embrace this miraculous metamorphosis you are going through. Allow your dreams and desires to burn within you and give you Strength each step forward towards your Destiny. It is all waiting and meant for you to achieve, And you Will! 

 Much Love to You all!!! 


Donations Greatly Appreciated: 

Personal Guidance readings are now available. Check out my posts on the readings for more details. Email me at to schedule a reading. 


Wisdom of Avalon Oracle and The Enchanted Map by Colette Baron-Reid 

The Sacred Forest Oracle by Denise Linn 

Dreams of Gaia Tarot by Ravynne Phelan 

Wizards Tarot by Barbara Moore 

#Tarot #Oracle #Avalon #Love #SelfLove #HigherLove #CleanHouse 

“Step into Higher Love” Hump Day Quickie Love Reading ~ 2-2-22

Through this incredible 22222 Gateway, we are able to dive into the New Higher Love energies and swim even closer to the New 5D Earth. This brings new relationship templates that can be very foreign to some. It’s time to get out of your head and listen to your heart and what your soul is calling out for. Breaking free of the void and relationship loops that many have been stuck in over and over again because of a lack of self-worth or influences from past trauma and situations. Open up to yourself and to the Higher love within you. Love yourself and all that you are first and foremost.

Everyone has potential and good in them, but that does not mean just go jumping into a relationship because of this, thinking it’s enough or you can fix them. Unlearn and let go of the old patterns and toxic programs. Honor your Soul’s truth and Stand Strong in your authentic worthy self and all the work you have done. Stepping away from the mind and into this Truth will guide you toward a love that you truly deserve.

There is a shift as we step through this Gateway. Higher Love relationships are coming together as we prepare to enter the New Earth. Old 3D relationships will no longer do. The deepest of love is coming and the energies are entering into your world now. Be confident in yourself, for these energies are fast and coming in quick with communication that can come out of nowhere and a possible offer of a big cup of love that you truly deserve. It’s time to step into 5D Love!

Much Love to You All!!!


Donations Greatly Appreciated:

Personal Guidance readings are now available. Check out my posts on the readings for more details. Email me at to schedule a reading.


The Starseed Oracle by Rebecca Campbell

Wisdom of the Oracle by Colette Baron-Reid

Dreams of Gaia Tarot by Ravynne Phelan

Wizards Tarot by Barbara Moore

#Tarot #Oracle #Higherlove #Humpdayquickie #Love

Message for the New Moon in Aquarius & Imbolc 2-1-22

Art by

Powerful energies are surrounding us and available to be tapped into at this time that can bring huge transformations both within and without. The Higher Love energies are being magnified even more with this New Moon, Imbolic, 2-2 Portal, New Year of the Tiger, and many other alignments that are happening now. Now is a perfect time to set your true intentions for yourself and take action toward it. It’s time to go for what truly brings love, joy, and happiness into your being. To bring in the Higher Love energies within and to choose and manifest what you truly desire and dream of. It’s time to choose what you want for yourself in life. You CAN achieve your dreams and desires, and these energies are at work to help make this happen for you. So be prepared if you make this decision for yourself. The past and some current situations must be let go of and forgiven to move forward towards your dreams. The storm that has been raging within you must be released. Too long have you been held back from your true desires and true calling and kept in the same old cycles and programs that are unfulfilling to your Soul and Destiny. There are Massive Changes at hand and this process may be chaotic, but your life and calling is a priority and upheaval is necessary to bring it all to you that brings the fulfillment your Soul has been calling out to you for. 

Pull your awareness inward and see the insights that dwell there, away from the distractions and control of external forces and from your programmed mind. Your Sacred Truth is there and it has the guidance for you to make the necessary changes. Trust this and Yourself. You are Worthy! No longer is it acceptable for you to be unfulfilled within your heart and your life. Be focused and determined on what it is that brings you the Love, Joy, Happiness, and Abundance that you truly deserve in your life that is not an Illusion. Let go of the fear, the pains of the past, the not good enough mentality, that keep you stuck in the same old cycle of lack and unfulfillment. Be Strong and Courageous and make the choices for Yourself that bring in what your Soul truly desires. 

Contemplate deeply on this and trust your inner guidance. Listen to your heart, not the programs and influences around you. What is it that you truly want for yourself? What fills your being with Love and Joy? What calls to you from your very core? What is holding you back and deceiving you from all of this? These are some of the questions to ask yourself. 

You have the power within you to have it all. It is time to take this power back from all that you have given it to. It’s time to know and see with clear eyes the Divine Infinity Being of Love that you are and stand in this powerful Self-acceptance. Open your heart and let it guide you. Stop fighting the feelings you have within you that your mind likes to bury or pass off as impossible. There are new exciting beginnings and opportunities for you, especially for Twin Flames and those who are waiting for their true love. Free yourself of the fears, the Not Good Enoughs, and stand in your true self-worth and deservingness. You are worthy of the Fairy-tale Life, the emotional fulfillment, and your Soul’s Desires. Let nothing stand in your way of this. Embrace these massive energies and allow them to propel you forward. Now is prime for reunions with this intense pull of these energies. Many reunions of the Twin Flames, Soulmates, Tribe, and other Divine Connections are taking place that are in alignment with your highest calling. Your Dreamlife Awaits, the only thing stopping it is you. Believe in yourself and Receive what is truly yours! 

Much Love to You All!!!  


Infinite Gratitude for Donations to  

Personal Guidance Readings are now available to Schedule. Email me at and check out my posts with the reading information.  


The Sacred Forest Oracle by Denise Linn 

Moonology Oracle by Yasmin Boland 

The Enchanted Map by Colette Baron-Reid 

Dreams of Gaia Tarot by Ravynne Phelan  

Wizards Tarot by Barbara Moore 

#Tarot #Oracle #HigherLove #Newmoon #TwinFlame #Imbolc #NewEarth 

Monday Masters Message ~ 1-31-22

You are being asked to look at how you interpret your experiences and lessons that you have gone through and the influence this has on the choices you make and the ability to see clearly. There is a calling from within, but do you truly hear it? Or are the false perceptions from the programming and traumas of your life steering you away from listening and dismissing it. This is a very important lesson for many. Are you acting and making choices by the influence of others? Or are you listening to your heart and Soul’s calling? There is no blame on making choices that were not for your highest good, but have the honesty and self-integrity for yourself to admit it, learn from it, move forward, and not turn a blind eye to it. This blunt honesty with yourself releases karmic binds or anchors of fear in your energy field. It is a learning experience for you to turn it into wisdom and move forward towards healing, renewal, and the dreams you have been hoping for to come in. 

You are an Infinite Being of Light and Love and the Higher Love Energies are boosting this even further. But beware, this can attract Energy Vampires and others, whose purpose is to steal your light and drain your energy which can slow you or derail you on the path towards your highest purpose. With blunt honesty and listening to your true inner guidance, you can navigate through this and detect and detach from those who are doing this. Trust in yourself and step forward Courageously and Confidently no matter what the influences are that are attempting to steer you away from your calling. You are a Divine Being and are being guided and surrounded by Angels and your Guides. They are leading you towards your Highest Purpose and the Higher Love that you deserve in your life. There can be necessary sacrifices along the way and the need to cut and let go of what controls you and feeds off of you. 

There is Great Change coming for you. But this can only occur if you are willing to shift your perceptions and choose to do so. Do not allow fear to hold you back or put-up resistance to this change. The Old needs to crumble and be let go of. This may certainly take you out of your comfort zone and make you feel vulnerable. But know you are protected and guided during this change. You are standing at the Gateway of Infinite Potential. The choice is yours to make the changes that are needed to allow you to step through. On the other side, there is much healing and infinite love and wonders for you to experience. You are on the brink of a new cycle that leads you to brand-new beginnings of love and abundance and the path to your highest purpose and Destiny. The choice is yours to step through the Gateway or remain in the Old. It has always been your choice, and you will do what’s best for you at the moment. There is no right or wrong choice, it is your path and assistance is always there for you if you ask.

Much Love to You All!!!  


Infinite Gratitude for Donations to 

Personal Guidance Readings are now available to Schedule. Email me at and check out my posts with the reading information. 


Keepers of the Light & Gateway of Light Activation Oracle by Kyle Gray 

Dreams of Gaia Tarot by Ravynne Phelan 

Wizards Tarot by Barbara Moore 

#Tarot #Oracle #Ascendedmasters #Angels #Spiritguides #Higherlove #Destiny 

“A Time to Act” ~ Kuan Yin Message for the week of Jan 31st – Feb 6th

There are important matters to attend to this week that need your attention and should not be pushed off any longer. Whether it’s in regards to self, family, or matters of the heart, it is time to face your fears and face head-on what you have been pushing away, hoping it will get better on its own. Now is the time to have faith and courage, moving beyond the fear and act. You are on the brink of a new phase in your life of the deepest Soul Liberation into the freedom of Love that Triumphs over fear and darkness. It is not easily done, but it is time to take off the blinders that have been placed over your true sight and see things around you as they truly are. It’s time to see all the power you have been giving away willingly to people and situations in your life that bind you and put great restriction over you that exploits and uses you. See with clear eyes how much power you have been giving away to their rules, their control, their manipulation. You are following their plan for you, instead of standing in your power and Divinity and walking your own path that has been calling out to you from your Soul. It is time to take your power back, claim your Divinity and Step towards your true Destiny. 

Kuan Yin comes to us this week to advise us that we are at the Threshold towards our freedom and Soul’s liberation from the control and towards your Destiny. Nothing is impossible, only your mind creates the blocks that hold you back from your dreams. Divine Grace is being sent to you now. Allow it to infuse into whatever situation you are dealing with. This is a blessing of healing, empowerment, and liberation. There are no limits, only what you wish to receive from it. It is time for you to be assisted out, learn the lessons, and move beyond the threshold into the new phase of unconditional love and infinite potential. There is transformation through actions and now is indeed the time to act and bring the rebirth you have been wishing for. Whatever it is that you have been wishing for has been delayed until you take the action necessary to open up the space needed for it to come in. Breakthroughs and New amazing beginnings are waiting for you. But one must truly see and stand in their truth and power to let go of all that has been holding you back from it all. 

There have been times where you have felt or seen the beauty of life and the infinite possibilities it has, only to be distracted away from it by yourself and others. Your SoulSong and your Guides have been calling out to lead you towards this beauty and possibilities. But it is up to you to stand up, take charge, and take decisive action with courage and strength to walk this path. There have been many burdens that you have been carrying that no longer serve you and are to be let go of. For these do not belong on the new journey ahead for you. It’s time to trust and take the leap of faith towards your True fulfillment and Destiny. 

Whether it’s Romance, Friends, or Family, Exciting new beginnings of Higher Love and possibilities are waiting for you. It’s time to clean up what needs to be taken care of both exterior and in your mind. Do not allow the past traumas and current controls to derail you from this new adventure. Listen to your heart and the feelings that have been calling out to you. You are being asked to be brave and have the courage to choose yourself above all else, and to move forward with courage to the new beginnings that you desire. Just make sure you stay out of your head and follow your Heart and SoulSong. Trust Yourself, You can do this!!!

Much Love to You All!!!


Infinite Gratitude for Donations to

Personal Guidance Readings are now available to Schedule. Email me at and check out my posts with the reading information.


Kuan Yin Oracle by Alana Fairchild

Foxfire – The Kitsune Oracle by Lucy Cavendish

Wisdom of the Oracle by Colette Baron-Reid

Dreams of Gaia Tarot by Ravynne Phelan

The Chinese Tarot Deck by Jui Guoliang

#Tarot #Oracle #KuanYin #Kitsune #HigherLove #TimetoAct #Destiny #Freedom #UnconditionalLove

“Fear or Faith” Weekend Message from the Faeries – 1/28 ~ 1/30

Art by Brian Froud

For this weekend, the Faeries are asking you to look at what keeps calling to you from your heart that you keep pushing away. Do you feel unworthy and not deserving of these dreams that call out to you? Are you allowing the past and the mistakes that you’ve made from moving forward towards them? Are there too many weeds filling up your garden of dreams that inhibit them to grow? The Faeries are asking you to assess what needs to be weeded out in your life so that the dreams of your heart can be planted, grow and flourish for you. 

Take a look at what needs to be done that you have been neglecting and pushing aside by distractions that you allow, to not do them. Your dreams cannot take form if you continue to run away from what must be taken care of or to keep holding on to the old ways, situations, and patterns that keep blocking them from coming in. It’s time to do what is necessary to break the old cycles of your life that are keeping you stuck. You have unlimited potential within you to create all you desire, yet all of the burdens and disappointments that you cling to are limiting you from manifesting your dreams. 

Your Angels, Spirit Guides, and the Faeries are here to assist you, all you have to do is ask. They can help you reveal what is blocking your path and where to get started if you are unsure. Quiet your mind, clear thoughts of lack, and reconnect with your heart. Listen to its true calling and the guidance it gives you. The answers are right there and what is needed to be done. You may already know where to start and what needs to be done. It is a choice between Fear or Faith. Fear of letting go of the old, lack of self-confidence or self-worth, or what others may think? Or Having faith, the self-confidence, and self-worth to take the leap towards the new beginnings that your heart truly desires. The choice is yours, always. 

Much Love to You All!!! 


Donations Greatly Appreciated: 

Personal Guidance readings are now available. Check out my posts on the readings for more details. Email me at to schedule a reading. 


The Faeries’ Oracle by Brian Froud and Jessica Macbeth 

Oracle of the Fairies by Karen Kay 

Dreams of Gaia Tarot by Ravynne Phelan 

Wizards Tarot by Barbara Moore 

#Tarot #Oracle #Fae #Love #SelfLove #Faeries #Weekend #Dreams 

“Magic in the Air” Twin Flame Reading for February 2022

There is magic in the air for the Twin Flames in February. With the incoming energies along with Source pumping in Higher Love, it is fanning the flames within the Twin Flames. Each will feel the connection even stronger, even to those who are unaware of this Divine Connection. Many will be hearing words through their subconscious and thinking it is only in their mind, but in fact, it’s from their Twin. You may also feel a sudden change of emotions and feelings that aren’t yours but from your Twin as well. With the strengthening of this connection brings these telepathic gifts online and through February it will be upgraded along with other gifts between each other. Signs and synchronicities will also be popping up more all around that relate to the connection, whether it’s numbers, music, or anything that reflects the connection. There are no coincidences, the Angels are doing their best to guide each toward this Sacred Union. The Twin Flame journey can be a difficult and painful one, but it is meant to bring each Twin to Oneness with themselves and for them to step into their Authentic Self fully. This expression of the Self with Self-Worth and Self-Love is one of the keys to coming into Union. New Beginnings which has been a long time coming is taking shape for this month. And some will feel more light-hearted and impulsive to the connection as it gets closer to communication and Union. 

There is much change coming this month for some of the connections, and they are moving forward in a huge way. A lot of work has been done individually, and it’s possible that endings are taking place within their lives, whether internal or external.  Each is healing old wounds and facing their fears. They are also finding their true worth and authenticity and tapping into the Divine Love Within. Each is becoming whole with themselves and shining the light with love and compassion on the pains and traumas of the past. This moves each into the new cycle of their journey towards Union. 

Many lessons have been learned on this Special Journey of the Souls. If you are still being challenged, Ask Source and your Angels to help reveal the patterns or traumas that are contributing to this and in need of healing. Know that you are truly loved and supported and that you are beautiful and special. One of the biggest lessons is to see this beauty within yourself and accept it as your truth. This self-love will be felt by your Twin, and for some, they already see the Real You, perhaps even before you have. Know You are worthy and deserving of this Divine Connection and all that you desire. For some, this month will bring the communication that you have been hoping for. 

There is much transformation taking place now, and things are moving quicker than you think. There has been a lot of activity on the Astral between the Twins orchestrating this new cycle in the connection. A huge amount of Higher Love energy is flowing through each and in this connection now. Trust and have faith in your guidance and in this journey. The death of the old needs to take place so that the rebirth can begin. Once this is at a certain point within the connection, they are drawn to each other like a moth to a flame. For those who are ready, this month is bringing in communication and even a romantic proposal that will sweep you off your feet. Some that already have had communication will prepare for this Physical Union to this eternal bond. This Union is unlike any other. Each set of Twins has a special mission and service in this Ascension. Some of which is bringing this Unconditional Love, passion, and their special light to the world to help bring in the New Earth. Many will share and teach others of the journey it took to this Divine Love and Union. May you all create Divine Magic this month!

Much Love to You All!!! 


Infinite Gratitude for Donations to 

Personal Guidance Readings are now available to Schedule. Email me at and check out my posts with the reading information. 


The Wisdom of Avalon Oracle by Colette Baron-Reid 

Gateway of Light Activation Oracle by Kyle Gray 

Soul Seeds Oracle by Allyson Williams-Yee 

Dreams of Gaia Tarot by Ravynne Phelan 

Wizards Tarot by Barbara Moore 

#Tarot #Oracle #TwinFlames #DivineUnion #HigherLove #Love 

“Be the Love that you are Deserving of” Hump Day Quickie Love Reading ~ 1-26-22

Photo by Rakicevic Nenad

There is a realignment taking place at this time. Balance is needed within you, as well as any relationship. Has there been equal give and take, or has there been an imbalance of giving and receiving? If you have been stuck in relationship loops that have been unfulfilling, now is the time to evaluate your self-worth and self-love. Have you been embodying and showing your True Self or have you been hiding it to appease others around you? Now is the time to step into your Authenticity, speak your truth and walk the talk. Be who you truly are and know your worth. If you are currently in a relationship, this will either strengthen it or end it so that the new love that you deserve comes in. The empowerment of your Authentic Self will bring transformation one way or another that brings you the love you deserve when it’s time and you are truly ready to receive this. 

Emotional fulfillment and happiness are long overdue, but it all depends on how you see yourself and your self-worth. Know your true value and do not accept anything less than what you deserve. Love yourself for who you truly are and see the beauty within and without. Be confident in your authenticity and don’t let fear, heartaches, and pains of the past keep you from your desires. Stand in your power and don’t be afraid to let go of things that do not bring you the emotional fulfillment you desire. Many relationships have been karmic lessons for you to learn and grow and see your true worth. Lacking self-worth and self-love will only bring you the lessons that you have been stuck in until you fully learn them and your worth. It’s time to have what truly brings your heart and life alive with passion and happiness. Loving yourself completely will bring in the new beginnings that you have wished for. Be the infinite love that you are deserving of, and it will most certainly come to you! 

Much Love to You All!!! 


Donations Greatly Appreciated: 

Personal Guidance readings are now available. Check out my posts on the readings for more details. Email me at to schedule a reading. 


The Enchanted Map & Wisdom of the Oracle by Colette Baron-Reid 

Dreams of Gaia Tarot by Ravynne Phelan 

Celtic Tarot by Kristoffer Hughes 

#Tarot #Oracle #Love #SelfLove #SacredUnion #DivineLove #Humpdayquickie 

Soul Trees Tuesday

Soul Trees Tuesday 🌲💜🌲

Take how it resonates for You!

Soul Trees and Soul Seeds decks by Allyson Williams-Yee

Monday Masters Message ~ 1-24-22

It’s time to unlearn and let go of old paradigms of beliefs, thoughts, and patterns within your life that have been programmed into you to keep you from your true self, potential, and Destiny. Now is the time to take the blindfold off and see through your Soul’s truth. Listen to this Soulsong with you and honor the truth of your Divinity and Worth. The Higher Love energies are flowing within you if you choose to tap into them. Love is calling to you and your Angels are all around you to help you see this love and the light beyond the darkness that some of you are in at this time. Know you are truly worthy and deserving of this love that comes in all forms. The old paradigms have led you away from this worth and deservingness by your mind and ego. Not only from the love of self but to be loved unconditionally by another. Your Angels are guiding you to remember the infinite love that you are and to align you with your highest path and the love that you are truly worthy of. 

You have a specific mission for this ascension to the New Earth, Whether it’s a Change-maker, Love-creator, Gift-sharer, or many other special missions. You are here to unite all the hearts around the world, and some of you, side by side with your Twin Flame. It’s time to let go and not hold back any longer and to recognize the true wonder of YOU! You are a sacred being and truly powerful, just by being you and with your presence here on Gaia. It’s time to Own who you truly are unbound and unapologetic without fear and doubt. Do what is necessary for YOU, not what others expect from you. It is your life to design, not theirs! Stand in your truth and do not be afraid to express it. Be brave, step up, and create your dreams and desires of the heart and bring them into your reality. 

At this time massive energies are coming in with downloads and information to be integrated. With this, the vibrations within you and all around you are raising. Those that cannot tolerate these higher vibrations will start to become more distant from you, for it is not their journey to follow you any further. It is a necessary step to allow you to spread your wings and fly. Know that you are so loved and supported and embrace who you are! There has been much heartache, pain, and loneliness throughout this transformation, but know that balance and justice are entering into your life to give you the lift up you need to Take flight and soar to your Destiny and all that you truly deserve! 

Much Love to You All!!! 


Infinite Gratitude for Donations to

Personal Guidance Readings are now available to Schedule. Email me at and check out my posts with the reading information.


Keepers of the Light & Gateway of Light Activation Oracle by Kyle Gray

Dreams of Gaia Tarot by Ravynne Phelan

Wizards Tarot by Barbara Moore

#Tarot #Oracle #Ascendedmasters #Angels #Spiritguides #Higherlove #Destiny