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Posts tagged “#faeries

“It’s Time to Knock at the Door” Fae Message for the Equinox 3/20/22

Equinox by Bente Schlick

There is a door before you. Perhaps you have found yourself many times before it, drawn to it, led by your Soul’s calling. Yet you hold back, allowing your mind, fear, and shapeshifters around you to keep you from knocking. Or maybe you’ve knocked, only to run away in fear or its too good to be true, or listening to those around you that do not have your best interest in mind to control you and steer you away from it. Whatever the case may be, We say to you know, Its time to knock at the door and allow it to fully open. There is much attainment and many wonders beyond this door, yet fear, deep programming, and those around you wish to keep you from becoming who you truly are and to embody the true power that you possess. The time is NOW to take action, To claim your true power, to follow your inner guidance, your Souls calling, and the signs all around you. To break free of the fear, patterns, and control, all of the excuses, the bouncing back and forth Should I or Shouldn’t I, that are keeping you stuck and from reaching your dreams that you have wished for.

Now is the time to demonstrate your personal truths, to show how powerful you are, and be willing to do what it takes for you to break free, to overcome your fears, and to claim what is truly meant for you. The Equinox is a time of great change, and the time is now for great change to be brought into your life. To remove all that no longer serves and keeps you powerless, restricted, and from fulfilling your Destiny. Get out of your head and follow your Heart. This immense guidance of Higher Love within you is leading you towards reclaiming your power and highest purpose along with the life you truly deserve.

Its time to awaken and to protect your mental and psychic abilities from infiltration. To be very selective on who you surround yourself with and be willing to see through the illusions and cut them loose. Hold dear to the magic, the innocence of a child within you, and the dreams of happily ever after, yet hold dear to the Warrior Heart within you as well to take swift fearless action where it is now needed. Let go of what is holding you back and move forward in Confidence.

Tap into the brilliant Light that is within you and allow it to ignite. Its time for you to rise like the Phoenix and be reborn. Believe in yourself and your true Divinity. Have faith that all the wonders that are meant for you are coming and a new phase is beginning. Its time for true balance to come into your life that brings massive transformations that your inner guidance has been calling out to you. It is now time to take the step forward, knock at the door, and step through into the new beginnings that you have dreamed of, knowing you are truly worthy and deserving of it all and more.

Much Love to You All!!!


Donations Greatly Appreciated:

Personal Guidance readings are now available. Check out my posts on the readings for more details. Email me at to schedule a reading.


Oracle of the Dragonfae by Lucy Cavendish

Oracle of the Fairies by Karen Kay

The Faeries’ Oracle by Brian Froud and Jessica Macbeth

Dreams of Gaia Tarot by Ravynne Phelan

Tarot of Dreams by Ciro Marchetti

“Equinox” Canvas Wall Art by Bente Schlick

#Tarot #Oracle #Equinox #Love #HigherLove #Faeries #Fae #Fairies

“Stand in your power and Claim the Destiny” Message from the Fae for the week of Feb 14th-20th 

Magical fairy world by Kiirw-Dk on DeviantArt

What you resist and repress only regroups in the shadows and draws strength from denial. It also attracts dark energies in many forms including those around you, to control and feed off of you. With this week’s energies, it is a good time to deal with these repressed emotions and traumas. To embrace them, send love to them, and bring them to the light to be healed. There is a Full Moon of Truth that will reveal much of this on the 16th and are the perfect energies to work with on all of this. Embrace all that you are because you are truly beautiful. Do not abandon your true self and the miracles that await. Do not allow the manipulations from others that make you fear being and showing your true self. Rise in your true power, for this is exactly what they do not want, and it will illuminate the truth of the illusions around you by doing so. It’s time to follow your own guidance and to see clearly the signs and messages that your guides and Higher Self have been leaving you to see. Now is the time to act, to express your true self, and release yourself from the shackles to claim your true freedom and embody your true authentic self in a Sacred Dance. 

Emergence is coming, but it is up to you to love and nurture yourself and blossom or to wither in the bud and rot in the old. Your guides are always with you and doing their best to guide you toward your Paradise and Destiny. If you listen, you can hear your Soul call out to you because it sees the direction to this. Heed this counsel from within and follow its healing guidance. Your Destiny is calling louder and louder and the new cycles are ready to begin. Give power not only to yourself but the dreams that you hold dearest that keeps calling out to be brought into your reality. Now is the time to take action on these dreams, even if you have to walk alone for a while. It’s time to create a life of your own design and break free of what has been designed by others to keep you stuck and unfulfilled. Stand in your power and claim the Destiny that brings you home to your true self and wholeness.  

If you only knew the power that resides within you. It is infinite, and there is a bright and amazing future ahead once you accept your true self and worth. Now is the time to consider where you have been, where you are now, and where you wish to be. Choose a path and move boldly forward without apology. This is NOT the time to wait for things to come to you. Spirit wants to show you the courage and self-love you have within. Be the Leader of you and your life and follow the guidance from within. Be very discerning on the opinions of others. It all comes down to you, your true wants and desires, and step up and take charge of your life. Your Soul knows the way to your emotional fulfillment and dream life, you just have to listen. The only thing now that will keep you from it is your fears and clinging to the old world you were comfortably stuck in. Your Dreams and Destiny are well beyond this, and you have been creating and manifesting this New World. When you are ready to do so, stand up and take one courageous step at a time to claim your own creation and life of your dreams. Know always that Nothing is Impossible! 

Much Love to You All!!!  


Donations Greatly Appreciated:  

Personal Guidance readings are now available. Check out my posts on the readings for more details. Email me at to schedule a reading.  


Oracle of the Dragonfae by Lucy Cavendish 

Oracle of the Fairies by Karen Kay  

The Faeries’ Oracle by Brian Froud and Jessica Macbeth 

Dreams of Gaia Tarot by Ravynne Phelan  

Wizards Tarot by Barbara Moore 

#Tarot #Oracle #Selflove #Love #Higherlove #Destiny #Dreams #Fae #Faeries #Dragonfae #fairies

“Fear or Faith” Weekend Message from the Faeries – 1/28 ~ 1/30

Art by Brian Froud

For this weekend, the Faeries are asking you to look at what keeps calling to you from your heart that you keep pushing away. Do you feel unworthy and not deserving of these dreams that call out to you? Are you allowing the past and the mistakes that you’ve made from moving forward towards them? Are there too many weeds filling up your garden of dreams that inhibit them to grow? The Faeries are asking you to assess what needs to be weeded out in your life so that the dreams of your heart can be planted, grow and flourish for you. 

Take a look at what needs to be done that you have been neglecting and pushing aside by distractions that you allow, to not do them. Your dreams cannot take form if you continue to run away from what must be taken care of or to keep holding on to the old ways, situations, and patterns that keep blocking them from coming in. It’s time to do what is necessary to break the old cycles of your life that are keeping you stuck. You have unlimited potential within you to create all you desire, yet all of the burdens and disappointments that you cling to are limiting you from manifesting your dreams. 

Your Angels, Spirit Guides, and the Faeries are here to assist you, all you have to do is ask. They can help you reveal what is blocking your path and where to get started if you are unsure. Quiet your mind, clear thoughts of lack, and reconnect with your heart. Listen to its true calling and the guidance it gives you. The answers are right there and what is needed to be done. You may already know where to start and what needs to be done. It is a choice between Fear or Faith. Fear of letting go of the old, lack of self-confidence or self-worth, or what others may think? Or Having faith, the self-confidence, and self-worth to take the leap towards the new beginnings that your heart truly desires. The choice is yours, always. 

Much Love to You All!!! 


Donations Greatly Appreciated: 

Personal Guidance readings are now available. Check out my posts on the readings for more details. Email me at to schedule a reading. 


The Faeries’ Oracle by Brian Froud and Jessica Macbeth 

Oracle of the Fairies by Karen Kay 

Dreams of Gaia Tarot by Ravynne Phelan 

Wizards Tarot by Barbara Moore 

#Tarot #Oracle #Fae #Love #SelfLove #Faeries #Weekend #Dreams 

“Step Through Your Heart Portal” Fae Messages for the Week of Jan 17th-23rd

This is a Massive Energetic Week, to say the Least! Along with the Higher Love and massive energies already coming in, we have Venus Retrograde, Mercury Retrograde, Node Shifts, Full Wolf Moon in Cancer (My personal Moon), and our Sun popping of CME’s one after another among other things. Transformation is indeed happening on All levels. Be sure to take care of Yourself throughout it, Rest, Hydrate etc.…. This is an important week to stay within your heart and out of your mind as much as possible. Love, Forgive, Listen, Understand and have compassion, but do not be a doormat! One of the focuses this week is relationships and “Home”. Know your worth and do not settle for anything less than what you truly deserve, in hopes that you have learned and embraced your infinite Worth and Deservingness. It is your mind, beliefs, and programs from this lifetime, that have created “Impossible”. Anything is possible if you believe and listen to your heart. There is Magic within waiting to come to life. And for a few of you this week, and this is a specific message to someone from the Fae, there is a long-term offer of love coming to you by a Soulmate or Twin Flame that leads to Union. Listen to your heart and know anything is truly possible, especially in Divine Union.

This week is a good time to start making or upgrading your “Home” and the environment, both within and without, full of love and warmth with harmony, balance, and joy. Your Higher Self and the Divine are guiding you towards a new Cycle and State of Being. They are helping you open your Heart Portal. Quiet the mind and listen to what is truly calling to you from this. Hear its song, feel it with your being. Allow it to pierce through the illusions all around you. If you are going through challenges at this time, listen to the song. Allow it to fuel you and give you the spark of insight. The solutions are there for you. Do not allow someone or something to dictate or distract you from your song. It is your inner truth calling to you. Believe in yourself and your inner calling and Take your power Back! Follow this guidance of the Soul along with your guides and not what others are pushing you towards for their own agenda. It’s time to Put Your Needs FIRST and FOREMOST! Even if it means triggering those around you to disagree, call you selfish, or try to manipulate you away from this. This is Your Life, Your Truth, and YOUR JOURNEY, not theirs. Follow the Heartsong, stop giving your power away, no more excuses, self-sabotage, or allowing people to control you and take advantage of you. Be Bold and Unapologetic of standing in your true power and self.  Embrace the Guidance from within and your Higher Self, Embrace your full Authenticity. Your Heartsong is calling out to you, Listen!

As you explore this Heartsong further, you will find that there are dreams deep within you that have been locked away due to programming, belief, and outside forces. Look beyond those influences, including your own disbelief, and feel the energies and feelings from these hidden dreams and desires. And to answer what just came through me, no, they are not stupid, silly, a fool’s dream, or unreachable. They are priceless and may very well be the keys to unlocking the new beginnings and opportunities you have been wishing for. Allow the emotions and feelings from these hidden dreams and desires to spark the fire within you and Give love, care, and devotion to this.

Work with the Full Moon Energies along with the Higher Love energies to bring clarity to these dreams and anything within or around you that needs clarification. Illusions, controllers, and programs through experiences were meant to limit you and keep you from becoming your True Powerful Creator Self. It is known how powerful we truly are, only we have forgotten this. It’s time to remember and create. It’s time to open the Heart Portal, discover our truth, and follow its guidance. Anything is indeed possible. Take each step fully in your Truth and Infinite Self bravely forward. Be fearless and take the step through your heart portal It is where these hidden dreams and new beginnings your Heartsong has been calling out to you, and where your Destiny awaits!

Much Love to You All!!!


Donations Greatly Appreciated:

Personal Guidance readings are now available. Check out my posts on the readings for more details. Email me at to schedule a reading.


Oracle of the Dragonfae by Lucy Cavendish

The Faeries’ Oracle by Brian Froud and Jessica Macbeth

Oracle of the Fairies by Karen Kay

Dreams of Gaia Tarot by Ravynne Phelan

Wizards Tarot by Barbara Moore

#Tarot #Oracle #Fae #Love #SelfLove #Faeries

11/11 Gateway – Message from the Fae

For Those Who are Meant to See…

A Beautiful and Powerful Message from the Fae for this 11/11 Gateway. They ask that all of us do the very important work, reprogramming, and integration of how much you truly matter and that you are Enough, and so much more! You are a Divine Being with infinite potential, Have Faith and Believe in Yourself! You can overcome and achieve anything you choose to. Don’t give up on your Dreams and your Souls Desires. They are calling out to you and the New is right in front of you. It may be stormy all around you. If this is the case, tap into your Wisdom and Intuition to navigate through it. Focus on what sparks the passion and motivation within you. Listen to your Hearts guidance and do not allow the critics and those who may think you are crazy to slow you down. You are Beautiful and Unique, listen to what your Soul is calling out to you. Have Faith and step through the Gateway.

The Dragonfae Elder comes to us now. You have learned so much, not only in this lifetime but many others. Use this knowledge that has been gained to break through, especially the loop cycles many of us have been caught in. Many have experienced much pain and heartache through this along with not achieving or receiving what you truly desire and deserve. It is time to apply the lessons that you have learned with action and discipline. Be fully committed to yourself, dreams, and Desires of the Soul. You are a Unique and Sovereign Being with unlimited potential. It’s time to walk your own path that is yours and yours alone. Let go of the herd mentality and follow your Souls Guidance and Calling. All of the answers lie with you. Trust in yourself and where your guidance is leading you to which is your Destiny. You have come this far through all the pain, sorrow, and loss. Use what you have learned and make the decisions that need to make that are Right for You!

There is a Major transition ahead between the Old and the New. You have gone through the Trials and Tests that have taken you to your limit. You are about to embark on a journey to a new realm with significant changes. It is not without its challenges, but it is what you have been building toward for a very long time. Follow your heart and know it can be done. The Gateway is open to you. Allow Love to motivate you through it, and do not allow fear to steer you away. Speak your truth and be mindful of your emotions that come from past lessons. Your Heart is leading you through this Gateway where the Joys, Happiness, and fulfillments have been waiting for you. Be Confident when you step through, you have deserved this. Don’t be afraid to show the passion and excitement within you. Let it boost your light and shine it Brightly!

If things still look bleak to you know that there is always Hope and the Faerie of Hope is here to remind you of this. Go within and look within your heart and you will see this spark of hope. Anything is possible even though we have been programmed to think otherwise. This Gateway leads to Peace and Miracles if only you will take the steps necessary through it. Do not allow the past and negative thoughts to derail you from this path through the Gateway. Allow the starting of a new chapter in your life to fuel the fires within and ignite the passion for this new journey. See the visions that you’ve always desired and hold them strong. There is much love harmony and peace awaiting you. And For some on the path, there is also Divine Union and Twin Flame Connections taking place. A Celebration will definitely be in Order!

Much Love to You All!!!


Infinite Gratitude for Donations to


Oracle of the Dragonfae by Lucy Cavendish

The Faeries’ Oracle by Brian Froud and Jessica MacBeth

Oracle of the Fairies by Karen Kay

Dreams Of Gaia Tarot by Ravynne Phelan

Celtic Tarot by Kristoffer Hughes

“Choice” ~ Faerie Message for the Strawberry Supermoon in Capricorn

For those Who are Meant to See…

As we move from the Solstice Energies into the Supermoon Energies, we are now embarking on a major Choice point, both Collectively and Individually. The choices we make for ourselves and the collective during this Energy gateway will greatly determine which vibrational timeline you will be on moving forward. Will you make choices toward a Caring, Compassionate and Harmonious environment full of Unconditional Love, Joy and Sovereignty, The New Earth Timeline. Or will you make choices toward a continued Controlling, greedy, materialistic world full of selfishness and insecurity, The Old Earth Timeline. Understand that No Choice is right or wrong. Everything is Choice in which creates your reality. This is the reality of your Soul Path. You have Free Will to choose whatever you dream of and desire. No other can make this choice for you, and No One can take that away from you. Only you can choose to allow others to influence this and hinder this. Do not fear or cling to those loved ones, or friends that make a different choice and move along an entirely different timeline. No one has the same exact path. It is their Souls journey and Free Will to do so.
As with the Sage of the Faeries, He knows when to let go and when to move on. He uses mental discipline to not allow his mind to be cluttered and be filled with fear and doubt. He Simplifies his thoughts. He listens to his inner wisdom and guidance and uses the knowledge gained on his journey to make choices that is best for his growth on his path. His choices may not agree to everyone, but it is one that must be made for his own journey. He has worked hard and focused his efforts on what he wishes to manifest into his reality. Through Self-Mastery and Confidence in himself, he achieves this. He has complete trust and commitment of the journey forward. Embracing the changes and the unknown he walks through. He knows and feels he is Divinely Guided. He allows only harmonious relationships into his life, full of unconditional love and respect which creates peace, equality, and an intimate environment. This is the teaching of the Sage if you Choose to accept.
As we make the choices we need to for our own path, many relationships fall away or are needed to be let go of. The Faeries remind us of the need to let go of all who no longer resonate and block our growth. By letting go, energetically you are calling in those of your tribe who truly align with you. Those that honor you and your path and are there to support you and be there when you need it, and vise versa. Those who consider your feelings and are open and honest with you. It is time to Honor Yourself and your personal Truths. Cut the cords and let go of those who are Energy Vampires, display deceptive and disruptive behaviors, that do not honor or appreciate the Authentic YOU and are holding you back from fulfilling the wishes and desires you have. Authentic, Happy relationships are awaiting you. Clear the way and allow your Tribal Members to come forth. There is power in numbers and to have true close friends moving forward in this ascension is gift.
Know that during this time and Gateway, these conclusions in these toxic relationships need to end for you to progress on your journey toward your dreams. If there is still a lesson for the soul to complete, some of these toxic relationships will continue until you learn the lesson and have the courage to let go. These changes and others in your life may be uncomfortable for you and those around you, but it is leading you to your destiny. It’s time to walk your own path in Full Authenticity. Those that resonate will walk along with you. Those that do not may cause much conflict and try to derail you and guilt you off your path until they are let go of. Have the willpower and Courage to stand your ground and stand up for yourself and the path that YOU CHOOSE not what others want you to choose. All choices have cause and effect, some with consequences and some with reward. We do not see the results until after the choice has been made. You have planted the seeds long ago for your dreams to come in and to fulfill your destiny. Do you make the choice out of fear of the Consequences, or in Confidence that the reward will come regardless. As always, The choices are Yours.

Much Love to you All!!!

Infinite Gratitude for Donations to
The Faeries’ Oracle by Brian Froud and Jessica Macbeth
Oracle of the Fairies by Karen Kay
Moonology Oracle Cards by Yasmin Boland
Dreams of Gaia Tarot by Ravynne Phelan
Wizards Tarot by Barbara Moore

#Supermoon #Tarot #Oracle #Faeries #Fairies #Fullmoon

Fae Message for Twin Flames/Divine Counterparts (Timeless)

Art by Janna Prosvirina –

Whether in Union, Separation, or you have yet to meet your Divine Counterpart/Twin Flame, It is a time for all to be sure to remove the masks and show your true self. Complete Authenticity is necessary for these Sacred Unions. Anything less can cause major issues within this Union and can cause delays in coming together for those in separation or for those who have not met yet. Understand that this is a Divine Union and your place and purpose together for this ascension and bringing in the New Earth is vital. Know that everything is coming together, and this Union is getting stronger, more passionate and harmonized. Do not be daunted by the changes that have and will occur. Stay balanced and grounded. Do not let doubt or fear creep in. Flow with this Special Love.
Dragonfae Lord Wu-Wang comes to us today letting us know that innocence and goodness lies within you no matter what experience you have had or actions you have taken in this life. Your Heart is pure, wild, and innocent. Unlike organized religion’s teachings, you are no sinner, nor are you corrupt when incarnating into this world. You ARE worthy and deserving. And you are worthy and deserving of this Divine Union. Cultivate your innocence and truth within. Reclaim your pure and wild heart by staying in the present moment. You will be able to see, feel and sense much more clearly. Dance, sing, play music, and make love. These acts done through your innocence and wild joy are healing and part of the sacred act of love. Let something be out of your control. Do not attempt to control or predict the outcomes. Come from a place of which is noble and humble, allowing things to flow naturally. Allow expectations and controlling behaviors to depart. In their place will come great insights and much communication through the webs of life that are woven around you. Be flexible and have good balance between work and play along with responsibilities and personal needs. Creating balance and harmony in your life is very important at this time, especially with this Union. Finding this balance and harmony within you along with being and showing your Authentic self, allows for the ending of the long cycles of emptiness, self-sabotage and defeatedness within. This also allows for this harmonic and symphonic Union to flourish and grow for both of you into nothing you have experienced before.
Next from the Faeries, comes the Singer of Courage. It is time to stand in your power and bring forth the courage within you. To go ahead into the unknown where there is no guarantee of safety or security. To follow your truth and inner calling regardless of fear or pressure and ridicule from others and not be stopped. You have been programmed from birth, embedded with fears and self-limitations. Its time to have the courage and break free from the programs and follow your calling an intuition no matter how crazy it sounds to others or yourself. You are embodying your true self and are in Union or coming into Union which does not make sense to the masses. Most will never understand. It is not your job to appease them. It is your path that has been laid before you to walk, not theirs. Breaking through limiting beliefs and limiting people around you will bring you great possibilities and discoveries together as One. You will have much clarity and wisdom through this Union. Many will question the actions each of you take and have mixed or confused emotions on your choices. Ultimately it is not their journey and In time there may be opportunities for them to have some understanding that this is your journey to fulfillment, a sense of Home and belonging and wish come true bring in what your heart as always called for and desired, This powerful Sacred Union.
Lastly, the Abundance Fairy comes to us. It’s time to prepare yourself for incoming Abundance with this Union! Be in a place of receptivity and Believe that you are worthy and deserving of such an incredible gift! If you do not feel worthy enough of this Divine Union, ask yourself Honestly, Why? Self-Worth is the key to the door of this special Union. If this is the case, continue to do the inner work that leads to accepting yourself, loving yourself and feeling worthy of any and all gifts the Universe has for you. There is enough abundance in all forms for everyone and you are just as worthy and deserving as anyone. Believe in this and know that it is coming for you. If you are in Union now, or when you become in Union, you will draw out many hidden gifts within each other. Psychic and Intuitive gifts along with telepathy will be heightened greatly. There will also be great healing between one another. The “Home” that your soul has been calling out to you for possibly many lifetimes is here. Much celebration is in order, the Strengthening or Reunion of Divine Counterparts is about to take place. The time of the Divine Unions are here and needed for this stage of our collective Ascension and for the New Earth. Allow for the excitement and infinite joy and happiness to fill your being and fulfill your purpose together as One!
Much Love to You All!!!
Infinite Gratitude for Donations to
Oracle of the Dragonfae by Lucy Cavendish
The Faeries’ Oracle by Brian Froud and Jessica Macbeth
Oracle of the Fairies by Karen Kay
Dreams of Gaia Tarot by Ravynne Phelan
Wizards Tarot by Barbara Moore

#Twinflame #Divinecounterpart #Faeiries #Fairies #Oracle #Tarot

Message from the Faeries for the 555 Portal

With this Powerful Portal, it is time to step through with focused intent on your Dream Life, Family, Abundance and Divine Union you wish to manifest into being.

Nelys the Alchemist of the Faeries informs us that there are Irrevocable changes at hand with immense inner transformations. Get ready for things to happen both inwardly and outwardly. The Stuck becomes Unstuck, the Blockages become unblocked. This will be lightning quick and could make your head spin. This also may come in very unexpectedly and a huge surprise to you. This may not be what you have been expecting to come to fruition, but it will be what you need on your path. One thing is for certain, you will never go back to the same space you were before. Be mindful of your thoughts and emotions. Seek a productive means of releasing them, especially fear and the fear of change and the Unknown. Family, Community and Union are very important at this time. Generosity, giving and receiving will flow. Share your love and support with your family and tribe. This Portal is also extremely powerful for Divine Counterparts coming into Union. Passion and Desire are at its peak and prime for coming together In Union if you are separate physically. For Those who are already in Union will find a huge boost in the energies of the Union and Sexual desires flowing like a tsunami. This can be a very Overwhelming and Incredible time!

This Portal focuses huge on your hearts desire. Tune into your inner vision and focus what it is your heart truly wants in this life. Manifestation is supercharged during this portal. Make sure the wishes you are making to bring in are of pure of heart and of the highest good for all, not of selfish reasons. Be Confident in your abilities and know what you truly want to manifest. Know you are worthy and deserving of this! These are Huge life changing events that are taking place, Sudden and Transformative in every way. Keep focused and remember where you put your energy. Know your Soul tribe are with you for support and to work together through these massive changes. Make a wish for your ultimate dream life, You Deserve it all!!!!

Much love to you all!!!


Infinite Gratitude for Donations to


The Faeries’ Oracle by Brian Froud and Jessica Macbeth

Oracle of the Fairies by Karen Kay

Dreams of Gaia Tarot by Ravynne Phelan

Wizards Tarot by Barbara Moore

Message from the Faeries for Fae Day 4-4 Portal/Easter Sunday 2021

For those who are Meant to See…

The Beautiful Faeries come to us with a beautiful message on this Powerful Fae Day 4-4 (Easter Sunday for many of us).
They first present to us the Singer Ekstasis. Ekstasis is the Song, the energy and power that fills Infinity and Eternity. The song flows through everything. Everything is apart of the One Song. We are Unity, we are all connected, Separation is an illusion. Our perception here on Gaia is greatly skewed, but we are slowly moving forward to the unity that is. It also represents rapture and ecstasy, joy and delight. You are moving in a very good direction and great joy and accomplishment are within reach now. Get out into nature and connect with Gaia and all things. Humans may not be able to hear the Song with their ears, but it can be felt within when we are connected to the All. Soak in as much Nature as you can. Each of us has our own song, and it is time to add our beautiful song with others in unity creating a beautiful harmony together.
The Fairy of Sunshine comes in next to share powerful life-giving energy from the Sun. She asks us to shine our light even brighter, and to also reveal anything in our Shadow that needs to be healed at this time. For those who feel shy and lacking in confidence, its time to step out into the Sunshine. It is now your time to shine. Your time to overcome the fear of being seen, rejected, or feeling vulnerable. Step fulling into your true self and shine your amazing, powerful light brightly. It is your time now to receive. Do not allow the ego mind to confuse things and create stories of illusion that deter you from what your heart desires. You are limitless and the ego mind limits. Be open to the amazing gifts and wonders of the universe, they are available to you now if you choose. Follow the song of your heart and tune in to the song of all that is. Your Joy, Delight and ecstasy awaits!

Much love to you all!!!

Infinite Gratitude for Donations to
The Faeries’ Oracle by Brian Froud and Jessica Macbeth
Oracle of the Fairies by Karen Kay
Dreams of Gaia Tarot by Ravynne Phelan

Fae Day 2-22 Gateway Message from the Dragonfae and Faeries